Sleep-disordered breathing in a patient with congenital myopathy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-04-01
SAITO Yasushi
Department of Clinical Cell Biology Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Takahashi Yuji
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Saito Yasushi
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Juntendo University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Tetsuo
Department Of Psychiatry Akita University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Tetsuo
Akita University School Of Medicine Department Of Neuropsychiatry
Takahashi Ken-ichi
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University School Of Medicine
Saito Yasushi
Department Of Psychiatry Akita University School Of Medicine
Takahashi Yuji
Department Of Internal Medicine Division Of Cardiology And Memorial Heart Center Iwate Medical Unive
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Akita University School of Medicine
Hishikawa Yasuo
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University School Of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Akita University School of Medicine
Ogawa Yuriko
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Tetsuo
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Tetsuo
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University Hospital
Takahashi Yuji
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Tetsuo
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kanbayashi Takashi
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takahashi Kenichi
Department Of Anatomy Osaka City University Medical School
Takahashi Yuji
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Hyogo College Of Medicine
Takahashi Kenichi
Department Of Anatomy
Shimizu Tetsuo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Saito Yasushi
Department Of Cardiology Juntendo University School Of Medicine
Takahashi Yuji
Department Of Dermatology Course Of Integrated Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Department of Civil Engineering The University of Tokyo
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- Sleep-disordered breathing in a patient with congenital myopathy
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