中央アメリカのインディヘナ, ヒカケ族の歯列弓と口蓋の形態に関する研究
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Many investigators indicate that there are differences in human oral traits by ethnicity and sex. The aim of this study is to clarify the traits of Central American Indian Jicaques' oral cavity. Plaster models were taken from 16 males and 17 females of the Jicaques tribe aged 16 years and older, and were measured. Each measured value of Jicaques' dental arches and palates was compared between males and females. And 3 values of the Jicaques ware also compared with those of Taiwan Aboriginals (Ami, Bunun, Paiwan and Rukai tribes), Taiwanese and Japanese. Upper anterior dental arch length of the Jicaques was significantly greater in the males than in the females. In the males, upper anterior, posterior and lower anterior dental arch lengths of the Jicaques were significantly shorter than those of the Taiwanese and Japanese. In the females, upper anterior dental arch length of the Jicaques was significantly shorter than that of the Ami, Bunun, Paiwan, Taiwanese and Japanese, and upper posterior, lower anterior and posterior dental arch lengths of the Jicaques were significantly shorter than those of the Japanese. Upper anterior, posterior and lower anterior dental arch breadths of the Jicaques were significantly greater in the males than in the females. In the males, dental arch breadth measurements were significantly greater at upper anterior and posterior regions in the Jicaques than in the Taiwan Aboriginals, Taiwanese or Japanese, and were significantly greater at lower canine region in the Jicaques than in the Taiwanese, Japanese or Taiwan Aboriginals except Rukai tribe. In the females, dental arch breadth measurements were significantly greater at upper anterior region in the Jicaques than in the Taiwanese, Japanese or Taiwan Aboriginals except Bunun tribe, and were significantly greater at upper posterior and lower canine regions in the Jicaques than in Taiwan Aboriginals, Taiwanese or Japanese. Length of dental arch of the Jicaques was significantly greater at upper first premolar, lower canine and lower first premolar regions in the males than in the females. Anterior and posterior palatal heights and length of sutura palatina mediana of the Jicaques were not significantly different between males and females. Posterior palatal height was significantly lower in the Jicaques males and females than in the Taiwan Aboriginals or Japanese. Palatal arch length of the Jicaques was significantly greater at the first molar region in the males than in the females. Palatal breadths of the Jicaques were significantly greater at the first and second premolar, and first and second molar regions in the males than in the females. Mandibular alveolar breadths of the Jicaques were greater at the first and second premolar, and first and second molar regions in the males than in the females. Dendrogram based on the seven dimensions of dental arch and palate was constructed by cluster analyses (group average method). Three major clusters were found. In the males, the first contained the Ami, Bunun, Paiwan and Rukai, and the second contained the Taiwanese and Japanese, and the third contained the Jicaques. In the females, the first contained the Ami, Bunun, Taiwanese and Japanese, and the second contained the Paiwan and Rukai, and the third contained the Jicaques. These results indicate that Central American Indians Jicaques differ much from Taiwan Aboriginals, Taiwanese and Japanese.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1996-02-25
宮崎 秀夫
宮崎 秀夫
宮崎 秀夫
粟野 秀慈
安細 敏弘
重藤 弘之
粟野 秀慈
笠井 幸子
山下 喜久
粟野 秀慈
笠井 幸子
山下 喜久
九歯大 口衛
安細 敏弘
九州歯科大学 予防歯科
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