A Study on Modeling of e-Facilitating Behavior in Moderation Method : A Case of Practicum in Pre-service Teacher Training
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During the development of coursework that employs e-Learning at Pre-service Teacher Training, it is important for us to pay attention to the roles of not only "coordination (particularly with respect to the management of schedule)" but also "facilitation (particularly regarding guiding and counseling students)" in addition to "face-to-face coursework." Pre-service students desire to learn to relate the teacher's dialog and advice to their own practical observations and dialog. Furthermore, they would like to receive pedagogical and psychological support at each step during coursework. The performance of two roles-coordination and facilitation-is termed as "moderation." This paper attempts to identify the practice of online facilitation within the purview of the moderation method in Pre-service Teacher Training. We share basic data and attempt to discuss the useful findings concerning e-moderating methods through interviews of four moderators, use of questionnaires to survey pre-service students, and analysis of the moderators' and students' posts on BBS.
- 日本教育工学会の論文
Oyanagi Wakio
Nara University Of Education
Horita Tatsuya
Tamagawa University Research Institute
Horita Tatsuya
Research And Development Division National Institute Of Multimedia Education
Horita Tatsuya
Shizuoka University
Graduate School of the University of Tokyo
KIHARA Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Literature & Human Sciences, Osaka City University
Kihara Toshiyuki
Graduate School Of Literature & Human Sciences Osaka City University
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