On Superconducting Double Transition in PrOs_4Sb_<12>
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-06-15
ICHIOKA Masanori
Department of Physics, Okayama University
MACHIDA Kazushige
Department of Physics, Okayama University
中井 宣之
Machida K
Okayama Univ. Okayama
Machida Kazushige
Department Of Physics Okayama University
Machida Kazushige
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
NAKAI Noriyuki
Department of Physics, Okayama University
Machida K
Department Of Physics Okayama University
Ichioka M
Department Of Physics Okayama University
Ichioka Masanori
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
- 19aPS-17 URu_2Si_2の磁場中比熱の理論研究(19aPS 領域8ポスターセッション(低温),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 20aXE-11 渦糸状態におけるFFLO状態の安定性(20aXE 接合系磁束系など(理論),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 19aYH-9 電子比熱と渦糸半径(磁束量子系(相図・可視化・電子状態),領域8(強相関系 : 高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- Generic First-Order Orientation Transition of Vortex Lattices in Type II Superconductors
- 28pRH-12 マルチギャップ超伝導体に対する電子比熱の温度依存性(鉄系超伝導体8(輸送特性など),領域8,強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- 27aWF-8 渦糸格子状態の内部磁場構造に対する異方的超伝導ギャップの影響(磁束量子系(相図・可視化・電子状態),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 27aWF-7 MgB_2での磁束渦糸の電子状態(磁束量子系(相図・可視化・電子状態),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 14pWD-13 多バンド超伝導体のギャップ構造と渦糸格子の回転(高温超伝導・磁束量子系・その他 : 理論, 領域 8)
- 21aTN-11 異方的超伝導体における渦糸格子の回転に対する安定性
- 31aZN-3 Zero energy density of states in superconductors with gap nodes
- 28aPS-38 異方的超伝導体における磁束格子と準粒子状態の構造
- 27aRG-8 超重力場処理した傾斜組成超伝導体の磁束量子状態(磁束量子系1(電子状態・渦糸相図他),領域8,強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- 30aTA-4 マルチギャップ超伝導体の渦糸ピニングに対するTDGLシミュレーション(30aTA 磁束量子系1(電子構造・ダイナミクス),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 21pYE-2 アモルファス超伝導体の渦糸フロー状態に対するTDGLシミュレーション(21pYE 超伝導/量子乱流・渦,領域6(金属,超低温,超伝導・密度波))
- 21aYA-5 鉄化合物超伝導体のミニマムモデルとDMRGによるその基底状態探索(21aYA 鉄オキシニクタイド(理論),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 21aYA-4 鉄化合物超伝導体の第一原理計算と強相関効果(21aYA 鉄オキシニクタイド(理論),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 26pWQ-1 渦糸ピニングのある渦糸フロー電圧に対するTDGLシミュレーション(26pWQ 磁束量子系II(ナノ構造・電子状態),領域8(強相関係:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 23pWF-5 柱状欠陥のある超伝導薄膜のGinzburg-Landauシミュレーション研究(磁束量子系II(銅酸化物),領域8,強相関係:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- 26aYA-5 正方格子ピン止め配置の渦糸侵入シミュレーション(超伝導(渦糸),領域6,金属,超低温,超伝導・密度波)
- 27aRG-1 FFLO状態の磁場変化についての準古典理論計算(磁束量子系1(電子状態・渦糸相図他),領域8,強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- 22pZD-5 密度行列繰り込み群による光学格子中Pバンドフェルミオンの解析(22pZD 量子エレクトロニクス(Fermi原子系の理論),領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- 25pZG-9 s波超伝導体の渦糸格子状態に対する核磁気緩和率の研究(25pZG 磁束量子系I(ナノ構造・電子状態),領域8(強相関係:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 22pWG-7 PrOs_4Sb_ の渦糸状態について
- Nodal Structures of Heavy Fermion Superconductors Probed by the Specific-Heat Measurements in Magnetic Fields(Frontiers of Novel Superconductivity in Heavy Fermion Compounds)
- Classification of Pairing States under Crystalline Symmetry in Exotic Superconductivity
- On superconducting Double transition in a Heavy Fermion Material UPt_3
- Unconventional Superconductivity and Magnetism in a Heavy Fermion Material CeCu_2Si_2
- 27aK-9 ハバードモデルによるストライプとその電子状態
- Low Energy Excitations in the Mixed State of the Anisotropic s-Wave Superconductor CeRu_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Anisotropy of the Upper Critical Field in Superconductors with Anisotropic Gaps : Anisotropy Parameters of MgB_2
- Anisotropy of the Upper Critical Field in Superconductors with Anisotropic Gaps : Anisotropy Parameters of MgB_2
- Odd-Parity Pairing Superconductivity under Tetragonal Symmetry-Possible Application to Sr_2RuO_4-
- Superconducting Pairing Symmetry in UPt_3
- Superconducting Properties of a Heavy Electron Material UPt_3
- Unconventional Superconducting Class in a Heavy Fermion System UPt_3
- On p-Wave Pairing Superconductivity under Hexagonal and Tetragonal Symmetries
- On p-Wave Pairing Superconductivity under Cubic Symmetry : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Anisotropy of Upper Critical Fields for d- and p-Wave Pairing Superconductivity
- Possible Double Superconducting Transitions in UX_2Al_3(X=Pd, Ni)
- Quasi-Classical Calculation of the Mixed-State Thermal Conductivity in s- and d-Wave Superconductors(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Basal-Plane Magnetic Anisotropies of High-κ d-Wave Superconductors in a Mixed State : A Quasiclassical Approach(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Vortex Structures in an Anisotropic Pairing Superconducting State with Odd-Parity
- On Superconducting Double Transition in PrOs_4Sb_
- On Superconducting Double Transition in PrOs_4Sb_
- Field Dependence of Electronic Specific Heat in Two-Band Superconductors
- 18pPSB-5 多バンド超伝導体の渦糸格子における電子状態
- Relation between Vortex Core Charge and Vortex Bound States
- Fundamental Properties of a Vortex in a d-Wave Superconductor
- Imbalanced Superfluid Phase of a Trapped Fermi Gas in the BCS-BEC Crossover Regime(General)
- Mixed-State Thermodynamics of Superconductors with Moderately Large Paramagnetic Effects(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- dHvA Effect with Quantum Interference Oscillation due to Magnetic Breakdown
- Theory of Field-Induced Spin Density Wave States in Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Electron Systems
- Theory of the High Field Phase in(TMTSF)_2ClO_4
- Theory of the High Field Phase in (TMTSF)2ClO4 under Anion Ordering
- Quasiparticle Heat Transport in Mixed State of High-Tc Superconductors(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Quasiparticle Structure in Antiferromagnetism around the Vortex and Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Time (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Fermi Arc of Metallic Diagonal Stripes in High-Temperature Superconducting Cuprates (Condensed Matter: Electric Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Fermi Arc of Metallic Diagonal Stripes in High-Temperature Superconducting Cuprates
- Quantum Vortex in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Spin and Charge Excitations in Incommensurate Spin Density Waves : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Vortex Structure in Superconducting Stripe States : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Static and Dynamical Properties of Stripes in Underdoped Cuprates (Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Advanced Science Research(ASR-2000), Advances in Neutron Scattering Research)
- Site-Selective Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Time in a Superconducting Vortex State : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Double Phase Transitions in Magnetized Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensation : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Vortex Lattice Structure in a d_-Wave Superconductor
- Density Wave Formation in Low Dimensional Electron Systems under an Incommensurate Potential
- Cascade of First Order Phase Transitions in Field-Induced Spin Density Wave States
- Collective Modes of Incommensurate Spin Density Wave in One-Dimensional Hubbard Model : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Identification of Nonunitary Triplet Pairing in a Heavy Fermion Superconductor UPt_3
- possible Pairing Mechanism and Double Transitions in UPt_3
- Bose-Einstein Condensation with Internal Degrees of Freedom in Alkali Atom Gases
- Orbital Symmetry of a Triplet Pairing in a Heavy Fermion Superconductor UPt_3
- Non-Unitary Triplet Pairing State in UPt_3
- Theory of Successive Field-Induced First Order Transitions in Quasi-Two Dimensional Conductors
- Phase Diagram and Vortex Structures in UPt_3
- Temperature Dependence of Infrared Reflectivity of Chromium : Realization of Soliton Lattice Structure of Spin Density Wave
- On the High-Field Limiting Phase in (TMTSF)_2ClO_4
- Violation of Time Reversal Symmetry in an Unconventional Superconductor
- Spin-Triplet Superconductivity with Line Nodes in Sr_2RuO_4 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 21aZD-7 Axial vortex waves in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
- Excitation Spectrum in Cylindrical Bose-Einstein Condensate
- Vortex Stabilization in Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensate Under Rotation
- Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Confined Geometry with and without a Vortex
- Is Spin Density Wave Always Harmful to Superconductivity? : T_c Enhancement Due to Density Wave Instabilities
- Photon Dynamics in Peierls Systems
- Application of the Coherent Potential Approximation to Impurity Problems in Superconductor. I : Resonance Scattering
- Phase Digrams in UPt_3 under Various Field Orientations
- Non-Unitary Triplet Pairing in UPt_3
- Soliton Lattice Modulation of Incommensurate Spin Density Wave in Two Dimensional Hubbard Model : A Mean Field Study
- Charge Density Waves under Magnetic Fields
- Superconductivity in Two-Band Model : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- 28aSL-11 Kelvin-Tkachenko oscillations in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
- 29pSK-6 Axisymmetric stationary states of a d-wave paired fermi gas
- Theory of Antiferromagnetic Superconductors in Rare Earth Ternary Compounds : NEW MATERIALS
- Transition Temperature Enhancement Due to Aniferromagnetic Fluctuations in High-T_c Oxide Superconductors
- Splitting of Superconducting Transitions in UPt_3
- Localized Magnetic States in Superconductor
- Superconducting Gap Modulation in Weak Stripe States
- Dispersive Gap Mode of Phonons in Anisotropic Superconductors
- Collective Mode in Two-Band Superconductor : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics