- 論文の詳細を見る
The oxalic acid and potassium contents of spinach grown in two types of soil were analyzed over one year, and changes in the contents according to the season and by cooking were investigated. The moisture content in the summer was higher than that in the winter, this being particularly marked with bare ground cultivation. Even with the same soil, species and producer, the total oxalic acid content could change up or down by more than 300 mg% within the space of a month. The residual ratio of the total oxalic acid content in boiled spinach was higher in the winter than in the summer. The acridity was also strong when the content of free oxalic acid in boiled spinach was high. There was a positive correlation in the monthly change between the potassium and oxalic acid contents. It was found that the spinach with a high total oxalic acid content also had a high potassium content and strong acridity.
- 日本調理科学会の論文
- 2004-08-20
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