Molecular Mechanism of Liposome Membrane Fusion Induced by Amphipathic Helical Peptides
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-03-01
Goto Yuji
Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Takahashi Sho
Faculty Of Domestic Science Kyoto Women's University
LEE Sannamu
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University
Faculty of Engineering, Mie University
Goto Yuji
Institute For Protein Research Osaka University
Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
LEE Sannamu
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
Takahashi Sho
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Lee S
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Fukuoka University
Aimoto Saburo
Institude For Protein Research Osaka University
SATO Eisaku
Faculty of Engineering, Mie University
Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University
Kameyama Keiichi
Faculty Of Engineering Mie University
Sato Eisaku
Faculty Of Engineering Mie University
Yoshimura Tetsuro
Division Of Chemistry For Materials Graduate School Of Engineering Mie University
Yoshimura Tetsuro
Faculty Of Engineering Mie University
Goto Yuji
Institute For Protein Research Osaka Univ
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- Molecular Mechanism of Liposome Membrane Fusion Induced by Amphipathic Helical Peptides
- The β-Sheet Structure pH Dependence of the Core Fragments of β_2-Microglobulin Amyloid Fibrils
- Design and Synthesis of Arg-Containing Peptides Having Various Secondary Structures and Their Biological Activities
- Design and Synthesis of an Oxidation-Responsible Amyloid Fibril Formation Protein, AG-Met
- Nanotubule Formed by a Hydrophobic Amphiphilic α-Helical Peptide and Natural Phospholipids and Its Application
- Effect of Cholesterol on Amyloid Beta-Peptide Deposition in Liposomes Prepared by Brain Membrane-Like Lipid
- Mechanism of Neutral Liposome Membrane Fusion Induced by the Two Charge-Reversed Amphipathic Helical Peptides
- Synthesis of Mutants of a De Novo Designed Amyloid-forming Protein, Amyloidgenesin, and Their Amyloid-Forming Abilities
- A De Novo Designed α-to-β Transition Protein with an Amyloid Fibril Formation
- In vitro biophysical activities of newer all-synthetic surfactant composed of mixture of soybean PC or soybean PC-peptide
- Development of Low Cost Pulmonary Surfactant Composed of a Mixture of Lipids or Lipids-Peptide
- Introduction of both D-Amino Acids and Arg-Residues into Cationic Cytotoxic Peptides and Their Selectivity for Normal and Cancer Cells
- Substitution of Arg Residues for Lys Resudues in a Cationic Anti-Tumor Peptide Containing D-Amino Acids and Cytotoxicities
- Effect of Innovation of D-amino Acids into Novel Anti-Tumor Peptide and Protein on their Conformation and Cytotoxicities
- Synthesis of Transmembrane Segment Peptides and Its Analogs of A Single Spanning Protein, Isk, Forming Potassium Channel and Its Channel Formation Activity
- Studies on Association Behavior of Transmembrane Segment of Influenza Virus M2 Protein in Lipid Bilayers
- Genome Mapping and Gene Analysis of Antheraea pernyi Nucleopolyhedrovirus for Improvement of Baculovirus Expression Vector System
- Nucleotide sequence analysis of p10 gene of Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus and construction of two transfer vector plasmids
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- 3H1124 一分子計測法によるβ-ラクトグロブリンの観測(3H 蛋白質_物性4,日本生物物理学会第49回年会)
- 2H1612 ヒト由来リポカリン型プロスタグランジンD合成酵素のフォールディング機構の解明(蛋白質_物性3,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)