Chemoprevention of N-Nitroso-N-methylurea-induced Rat Mammary Carcinogenesis by Soy Foods or Biochanin A
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-02-28
ITO Akihiro
Department of Cancer Research, Hiroshima University
Kataoka Tsuyoshi
Department Of Health Care For Adults Division Of Nursing Science Graduate School Of Health Sciences
Ito A
Department Of Cancer Research Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima Univer
Ito Akihiro
GOTOH Takahiko
Department of Cancer Research, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima Univ
YAMADA Kazumasa
Department of Cancer Research, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima Univ
YIN Hong
Department of Cancer Research, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima Univ
KATAOKA Tsuyoshi
Second Department of Surgery, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
DOHI Kiyohiko
Second Department of Surgery, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
DOHI Kiyohiko
Chugoku Rousai Hospital
Yin Hong
Ito A
Department Of Cancer Research Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine (rirbm) Hiroshim
Yin Hong
Laboratory Of Integrative Brain Sciences Department Of Biology Faculty Of Education And Integrated A
Yin Hong
Goto Takahiko
Second Department Of Surgery Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Dohi K
Chugoku Rousai Hospital
Dohi Kiyohiko
Second Department Of Surgery Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Ito Akihiro
Department Of Cancer Research Institute Of Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima University
Gotoh Takahiko
Second Department Of Surgery Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
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