Nitric Oxide Generation from Hydroxyurea via Copper-catalyzed Peroxidation and Implications for Pharmacological Actions of Hydroxyurea
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-12-30
安藤 正幸
Ando Masayuki
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Maeda Hiroshi
Department of Urology, Shinko Clinic
SATO Keizo
Department of Legal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Ando Masayuki
Department Of Microbiology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
AKAIKE Takaaki
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
SAWA Tomohiro
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
SUGA Moritaka
Department of Microbiology, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
Sato Keizo
Department Of Computer Science And Intelligent Systems Oita University
Sato Keizo
Department Of Microbiology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Miyamoto Yoichi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Ando Masayuki
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Suga Moritaka
The Department Of Respiratory Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Science Kumamoto University
Sawa Tomohiro
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Akaike T
Department Of Microbiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto University
Mita Shuji
Department Of Neurology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Maeda H
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Maeda Hiroshi
Department Of Urology Kurashiki Central Hospital
Maeda Hiroshi
Department Of Experimental Pathology Cancer Institute
Maeda Hiroshi
Department Of Advanced Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Yamaguchi Un
MAEDA Hiroshi
Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University
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