Immunohistochemical Localization of P-Glycoprotein and Expression of the Multidrug Resistance-1 Gene in Human Pancreatic Cancer: Relevance to Indicator of Better Prognosis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-06-30
Department of Pathology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University
Fukumoto M
Departments Of'pathology And Biology Of Diseases
Hiai H
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Hiai Hiroshi
Department Of Pathology And Biology Of Diseases Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Hiai Hiroshi
京都大学 医学研究科法医学
Hatano Hiromichi
Department Of Pathology And Biology Of Diseases Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
ARAO Shinji
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
IMAMURA Masayuki
Department of Surgery and Surgical Basic Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
SUWA Hirofumi
Department of Surgery, Otsu Red Cross Hospital
Arao Shinji
Departments Of Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Departments of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Departments of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
YAMAKI Kenichirou
Departments of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine. Nagoya City University
Haga Hironori
Organ Transplant Unit Kyoto University Hospital
Suwa H
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Suwa Hirofumi
Department Of Surgery Otsu Red Cross Hospital
Imamura M
Departments Of Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Imamura M
Department Of Internal Medicine Otsu Municipal Hospital
Hiai Hiroshi
Department Of Medical Chemistry And Molecular Biology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Suwa Hirofumi
First Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Imamura Masayuki
Departments Of Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Imamura Masayuki
Department Of Surgery & Surgical Basic Science Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Fukumoto M
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Fukumoto Manabu
Departments Of'pathology And Biology Of Diseases
Haga Hironori
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kyoto University Hospital
Hiai Hiroshi
Departments Of Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Fukumoto Manabu
Department Of Pathology And Biology Of Disease Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Arao Shinji
Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Manabe Tadao
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Nagoya City University
Manabe Tadao
Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine. Nagoya City University
Manabe Tadao
Department Of The First Surgery Nagoya City University Medical School
Ohshio Gakuji
Departments Of Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Imamura T
National Institute For Environmental Studies
Hiai Hiroshi
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kyoto University Hospital
Ohshio Gakuji
Department Of Surgery Shiga Medical Center
Yamaki Kenichirou
Departments Of Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Imamura Takashi
Department Of Human Genetics National Institute Of Genetics
IMAMURA Masayuki
Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Tohoku University School of Medicine
Imamura Takashi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University
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