冗長マニピュレータのインピーダンス制御: 冗長性を利用した関節のインピーダンスの調節法
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The present paper argues that kinematic redundancy of manipulators should be positively utilized in terms of impedance control, and proposes a new impedance control method for redundant manipulators. The proposed method can control not only end-effector impedance using one of conventional impedance control methods but also joint impedance which has no effect to end-effector motion of the manipulator. Regulation of the joint impedance enables to specify dynamic behavior of joints for unknown external forces beforehand. By setting impedance of specific joints very large, for example, it becomes possible to suppress the motion of the corresponding joints and reduce joint degrees of freedom of the manipulator substantially.<BR>In this paper, firstly, joint impedance controller is incorporated to the end-effector impedance control system, and a sufficient condition about joint impedance for satisfying a given end-effector impedance is derived. Then, the optimal joint impedance corresponding to a given desired joint impedance is analytically derived using the least square method. Finally, computer simulations are performed using a four-joint planar manipulator in order to confirm of the validity of the method.
- 社団法人 日本ロボット学会の論文
- 1994-05-15
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