The respiratory motion analysis of the rib using 3-D images
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-07-25
SATO Yoshinobu
Division of Image Analysis, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
TAMURA Shinichi
Division of Image Analysis, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
中村 仁信
りんくう総合医療センター市立泉佐野病院 放射線科
JOHKOH Takeshi
Division of Health Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Medical Physics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Sato Yoshinobu
Division Of Image Analysis Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Tamura S
Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Hiraoka Nobuaki
Department Of Radiology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nakamura Hironobu
自治医科大学 内科学呼吸器内科学
Sato Y
Division Of Image Analysis Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Johkoh Takeshi
Department Of Radiology Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Park Yongsup
Division Of Software Science Department Of Informatics And Mathematical Science Graduate School Of E
Nakamura Hironobu
Department Of Radiology
Nakamura Nobuo
Divison of Functional Diagnostic Imaging, D11, Medical School, Osaka university
Kitaoka Hiroko
Divison Of Functional Diagnostic Imaging D11 Medical School Osaka University
Sato Yoshinobu
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Johkoh Takeshi
Departmetn Of Radiology Medical School Osaka University
Nakamura Hironobu
Department Of Radiology Osaka University School Of Medicine
Tamura S
Osaka Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
Takahashi Satoru
Department Of Clinical Informative Imageology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tamura Shinichi
Division Of Image Analysis Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tamura Shinichi
Division Of Functional Diagnostic Imaging Biomedical Research Center Osaka University Medical School
Nakamura Hironobu
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Ibaraki University
Sato Yoshinobu
Division Of Image Analysis Department Of Medical Engineering Osaka University Graduate School Of Med
Johkoh Takeshi
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
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- Automated Segmentation of Acetabular Cartilage in MR images of the Hip(Joint Session 1)
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- Noninvasive method using multidetector CT for calculating the relative blood supply ratio of duplicated renal arteries in renal donors
- The respiratory motion analysis of the rib using 3-D images
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- Management of Major Portosystemic Shunting in Small-for-Size Adult Living-Related Donor Liver Transplantation with a Left-Sided Graft Liver
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