A Case of Cerebral Air Embolism Predominant in the Left Cerebral Hemisphere Following Subclavian Catheterization
相川 久幸
森 宣
大分医科大学 腫瘍病態制御
森 宣
森 宣
大分医科大学 精神神経医
三宅 秀敏
大分医科大学医学部放射線医学教室 大分医科大学附属病院医療情報部
Tanaka Ryoichi
Department of Radiology, National cardiovascular center
MORI Hiromu
Department of Oncological Science, Division of Radiology, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
Mori Hiromu
Department Of Oncological Science Division Of Radiology Oita University Faculty Of Medicine
MIYAKE Hidetoshi
Department of Radiology Oita Medical University
AIKAWA Hisayuki
Department of Radiology, Oita Prfectural Hospital
Department of Radiology, Oita Medical University
TAKAMI Hiroaki
Department of Orthopaedics, Yamaga Town Hospital
Tanaka Ryoichi
Department Of Botany Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Takaki Hajime
Department Of Radiology Oita Medical University
Takami Hiroaki
Department Of Orthopaedics Yamaga Town Hospital
Tanaka Ryoichi
Department Of Radiology Oita Medical University
Tanaka Ryoichi
Department Of Biomolecular Engineering Graduate School Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Tokyo Institu
Aikawa Hisayuki
Department Of Radiology Oita Prfectural Hospital
Aikawa Hisayuki
Department Of Radiology Oita Prefectural Hospital
MORI Hiromu
Department of Radiology, Oita Medical University
Tanaka Ryoichi
Department of Allergy and Rheumatology, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan
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