Detection of Mycoplasma fermentans in Saliva Sampled from Infants, Preschool and School Children, Adolescents and Adults by a Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Assay
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- Center for Academic Pub. Japanの論文
- 1999-06-20
SHIBATA Ken-ichiro
Department of Oral Pathobiological Science, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Dental Medicine
Shibata Ken-ichiro
Department Of Oral Pathobiological Science Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Dental Medicine
Dong Li
Departments Of Oral Bacteriology Hokkaido University School Of Dentistry
Hasebe Akira
National Institute For Agro-environmental Sciences
Hasebe A
Aichi Univ. Education Kariya Jpn
Hasebe Akira
Department Of Environmental Chemistry National Institute For Agro-environmental Sciences
Department of Oral Pathobiological Science, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Dental Medicine
DOMON Hikouji
Department of Oral Bacteriology, Hokkaido University School of Dentistry
KAGA Masayuki
Pediatric Dentistry, Hokkaido University School of Dentistry
KUDO Masaki
Pediatric Dentistry, Hokkaido University School of Dentistry
SATO Yoshiaki
Orthodontics, Hokkaido University School of Dentistry
OGUCHI Haruhisa
Pediatric Dentistry, Hokkaido University School of Dentistry
Oguchi H
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Oguchi Haruhisa
Pediatric Dentistry Graduate School Of Dental Medicine Hokkaido University
Oguchi Haruhisa
Department Of Pediatric Dentistry School Of Dentistry Hokkaido University
Kaga M
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Watanabe Takuya
Department Of Oral Pathobiological Science Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Dental Medicine
Domon Hikouji
Departments Of Oral Bacteriology Hokkaido University School Of Dentistry
Kudo M
Pediatric Dentistry Hokkaido University School Of Dentistry
Shibata Ken-ichiro
Division Of Oral Molecular Microbiology Department Of Oral Pathobiological Science Hokkaido Universi
Hasebe Akira
Division Of Oral Molecular Microbiology Department Of Oral Pathobiological Science Hokkaido Universi
Sato Yoshiaki
Orthodontics Hokkaido University School Of Dentistry
Watanabe Tsuguo
Department Of Oral Pathobiological Science Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Dental Medicine
Shibata Ken-ichiro
Division Of Oral Molecular Microbiology Department Of Oral Pathobiological Science Hokkaido Universi
Department of Oral Microbiology, School of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
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