小宮山 政晴
山梨大学 大学院 医学工学総合研究部
小宮山 政晴
顧 敏明
島口 たけみ
小山 貴司
Kubo Momoji
Department Of Molecular Chemistry And Engineering Tohoku University
小宮山 政晴
- Theoretic Study of Electronic and Electrical Properties for Nano-Structural ZnO
- Adsorption Properties of CH_3OH on Al(111) and Fe(100) Surfaces : A Periodic First-Principles Investigation
- 走査プローブ顕微鏡
- 走査型トンネル顕微鏡によるMoS_2表面ステップ近傍の電子状態の観察
- 光励起STMによるTiO_2表面光吸収サイトの観察
- Photoresponse of Titanium Dioxide Surface on Atomic Scale : Site for Visible Light Absorption
- TiO_2(110)表面における光励起サイトの局在
- STM/AFMによる触媒表面解析
- TiO_2 (110) Surface Preparation by UV Light Irradiation for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Observations
- 21世紀に向けての解媒研究
- ゼオライト(010)表面原子と吸着分子のAFM観察
- 新素材研究用UHV-STM装置の試作 : - 安定操作条件の決定 -
- A Study of Local Processing on Solid Surfaces with Atomic Force Microscope
- 新素材研究用UHV-STM装置の試作
- AFM技術の幕開け
- 原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)によるゼオライト研究 : 結晶成長, 表面原子配列および吸着分子像
- ゼオライト(010)表面に液相吸着したピリジン塩基分子薄膜内部の分子配向構造 : AFM/半経験分子軌道計算による検討
- トンネル発光研究用 UHV-STM装置の試作
- 走査プローブ顕微鏡による吸着分子像の観察
- 原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)によるゼオライト表面でのピリジン塩基分子の吸着配列・配向構造
- 新素材研究用UHV-STM装置の試作
- 金属粒子担持によるSiO_2薄膜中での電荷減少Si^種の生成-シリカ担持金属触媒における金属-担体間電子的相互作用の可能性-
- Quantum chemical investigation of excited state and photo-induced catalysis (第93回触媒討論会B講演予稿 テーマ「グリーンケミストリー」)
- Tight-Binding Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Study on Interfacial Electron Transfer in Dye-Sensitized Anatase (001) Surface
- Development of Multi-Scale Electrical Conductivity Simulator with the Joule Heating Module and its Application to Polycrystalline SiO_2
- Influence of Chemical Topology on the Electrical Properties of Carbon Black-A Theoretical Study
- Development of a Seebeck Coefficient Prediction Simulator Using Tight-Binding Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics
- Development of the multi-scale simulator for the dye-sensitized TiO_2 nanoporous electrode based on quantum chemical calculation
- A Theoretical Approach for Developing New p-Type Transparent Conducting Metal Oxide
- Theoretical Study on the Photophyscial Properties of an Efficient Sensitizer for Nanocrystalline TiO_2-Based Solar Cells
- Development of A Combined Thermal Conductivity Prediction Simulator Including Conduction Electron and Lattice Vibration Effects
- Theoretical Study on the Electronic and Structural Properties of p-Type Transparent Conducting Metal Oxides
- Development of Accelerated Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculation Program for Designing of Rare Earth Phosphors
- A Theoretical Study of the Effect of Eu ion Dopant on the Electronic Excitations of Yttrium Oxide and Yttrium Oxy-Sulphide
- Study on the Role of Oxygen Vacancies of Indium Tin Oxide by Density Functional Theory and Accelerated Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Method
- A Theoretical Study on Influence of Oxygen Vacancies on the Electronic Properties of Indium Oxide and Indium Tin Oxide
- Tight-Binding Quantum Chemical Calculations of Electronic Structures of Indium Tin Oxide
- Accelerated Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Study on the Properties of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
- Theoretical Investigation of the Electronic Properties of PEDOT : PSS Conducting Polymer on Indium Tin Dioxide (ITO) Surface : an Accelerated Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Method
- 過酸化水素 : ヒドロキシルアミン系によるメタクリル酸メチルの重合
- Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Approach to Design of MgO Protecting Layer in Plasma Display
- Theoretical Design of MgO Protecting Layer in Plasma Display by New Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulator
- Investigation of Hydrogen Chemisorption on GaAs(111)A Ga Surface by In Situ Monitoring and Ab Initio Calculation
- Computational Chemistry Study of Diamond-like Carbon : Functions and Structure Control by Frictional Force
- Theoretical Study on Electronic and Electrical Properties of Nano Structural ZnO
- Theoretical study on the electrical properties of conducting carbon based materials
- Dielectric Breakdown Simulation by Molecular Dynamics and Tight-Binding Quantum Chemistry Methods
- Development of New Calculation Method for Rare Earth Element and Large Scale Electronic Structure Calculation of Blue Phosphor BaMgAl_O_:Eu^
- Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Chemical Mechanical Polishing Process of Cu Surface
- A Theoretical Study on the Realistic Low Concentration Doping in Silicon Semiconductors by Accelerated Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Method
- Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Plasma Etching Processes
- Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of Hydrogen Molecule Inside Silicon Crystal
- Tight-binding Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Desorbed SiO Molecule during the Oxidation of Si(111) Surface
- Quantum Chemical Study on the Interaction of NF3 with Si
- Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Desorbed SiO Molecule during the Oxidation of Si(111) Surface
- Atomic Control of Ultrafine Gold Particles on MgO(100) as Investigated by Molecular Dynamics and Computer Graphics
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Metal Clusters and Metal Deposition on Metal Surfaces
- Aluminum Reflow Behavior in Via-Hole Filling Investigated by Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Computer Graphics
- Structural Properties of Li_xMn_2O_4 as Investigated by Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory
- Periodic Boundary Quantum Chemical Study on ZnO Ultra-Violet Laser Emitting Materials
- Periodic Boundary Quantum Chemical Study on ZnO Ultra-Violet Laser Emitting Materials
- Mechanism of Layer-by-Layer Homoepitaxial Growth of SrTiO_3 (100) as Investigated by Molecular Dynamics and Computer Graphics
- Development of New Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulator for Theoretical Design of MgO Protecting Layer in Plasma Display
- Theoretical Calculations on Electronic Structure and Catalytic Reaction of Organo-f-element Complexes
- Potential Energy Surface and Dynamics of Pd/MgO(001)System as Investigated by Periodic Density Functional Calculations and Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Investigation of Thermal Annealing Process of GaN Layer on Sapphire by Molecular Dynamics
- Investigation of Initial Growth Process of GaN Film on Sapphire Using Computational Chemistry
- Investigation of Growth Process of GaN Film on Sapphire by Computational Chemistry
- Computational Studies on GaN Surface Polarity and InN/GaN Heterostructures by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics
- Study on Surface Polarity of GaN by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics
- Atomistic Crystal Growth Process of Metal Oxide Electronics Materials : Theoretical Simulation Studies
- Quantum Chemical Calculations of Sulfur Doping Reactions in Diamond CVD
- Molecular Orbital Calculations of Sulfur Doping Reactions in Diamond CVD
- Computational Chemistry Study on Initial Stages of Nitridation of Silicon Surfaces
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Adhesional Forces via Hydrocarbon Films
- 担持レニウム触媒によるCOの水素化反応 (第50回触媒討論会特集号〔予稿集〕)
- 山梨県の温泉の化学的研究 (第6報)
- 山梨県の温泉の化学的研究 第5報
- 山梨県の温泉の化学的研究 第4報
- 山梨県の温泉の化学的研究 (第3報)
- 山梨県の温泉の化学的研究 (第2報)
- 山梨県の温泉の化学的研究(第1報)
- 大学の一般教育における化学の講義題目について
- Simulations of the Effects of Tip Apex Geometries on Atomic Force Microscopy Images
- Effects of Atomic Arrangement at Tip Apex and Tip-Sample Distance on Atomic Force Microscopy Images: A Simulation Study
- 金属粒子担持によるSiO2薄膜中での電荷減少Si4+種の生成--シリカ担持金属触媒における金属-担体間電子的相互作用の可能性 (第69回触媒討論会講演予稿)
- Simulation of Atomic Force Microscopy Image Variations along the Surface Normal:Presence of Possible Resolution Limit in the Attractive Force Range
- 含浸プロフィ-ルの制御-2-含浸液の浸透速度および各種酸の添加効果(予稿) (〔第49回〕触媒討論会特集号)
- 触媒研究のためのデ-タ処理入門-2-赤外分光光度計のオンライン制御
- 走査型トンネル顕微鏡(STM)による多結晶および超微粒子白金の表面形状と障壁高さ分布
- 超高真空中および大気中で使用可能な走査型トンネル顕微鏡, 分光装置(STM,STS)の試作とその学生実験および研究実験への応用
- In Situ走査型トンネル顕微鏡/分光装置の試作とその固体触媒表面研究への応用 (第63回触媒討論会特集号(予稿))
- 走査型トンネル顕微鏡/分光法(STM/STS)の触媒表面研究への応用
- In situ IRおよびin situ STMによるチタニア担持金属触媒上への水素の吸着 (第62回触媒討論会特集号(予稿))
- オ-ジェ電子分光法によるSn-Sb-O系固体触媒の状態分析 (第60回触媒討論会特集号〔予稿〕)
- チタニア担持Re触媒上のCO水素化活性触媒種 (第58回触媒討論会特集号(予稿)) -- (CO水素化)
- 1酸化炭素水素化用担持レニウム触媒における担体効果
- 含浸プロフィ-ルの制御 (触媒)
- 4.3 固体触媒の表面構造