NTT LSI laboratories | 論文
- Excess Current through Single-Barrier Structures with Si-planar-doped AlAs Layer
- Quantum mechanical effect in temperature dependence of threshold voltage of extremely thin SOI MOSFETs
- Quantization Effect in Temperature Dependence of Threshold Voltage of Extremely-Thin SOI MOSFETs
- Effect of Silicon Surface Cleaning on the Initial Stage of Selective Titanium Silicide Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Transport Properties of Buried AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wires
- Device Technology for Monolithic Integration of InP-Based Resonant Tunneling Diodes and HEMTs (Special Issue on Quantum Effect Devices and Their Fabrication Technologies)
- InP-Based High-Performance Monostable-Bistable Transistion Logic Element (MOBILE):an Intelligent Logic Gate Featuring Weighted-Sum Threshold Operations
- InP-Based High-Performance Monostable-Bistable Transition Logic elements (MOBILEs) Using Resonant-Tunneling Devices
- A Highly Accurate Stress Measurement System for Producing Precise X-Ray Masks
- Plasma-Induced Damage Behavior in GaAs by Photoreflectance Spectroscopy
- An On-Line Scheduler for ASIC Manufacturing Line Management
- A Flexible and Low-Cost ASIC Line Management Technology Taking Operator's Skill-Level as a Scheduling-Factor into Consideration
- A Scalable and Flexible CIM System with Precise and Quick Scheduler for ASIC
- Application of Mark Detection Using the Vibration Method to an Electron Beam Exposure System
- C-10-17 Fluidic Self-Assembly(FSA)のための微小はんだバンプの作製(II)(C-10.電子デバイス,一般セッション)
- High-Frequency Characteristics of SrTiO_3 Thin Films in the mm-Wave Band
- Measurement of High-Frequency Dielectric Characteristics in the mm-Wave Band for Dielectric Thin Films on Semiconductor Substrates
- High-Frequency Characteristics of SrTiO_3 Thin Films in the mm-Wave Band
- Physics-based model of quantum-mechanical wave function penetration into thin dielectric films for evaluating modern MOS capacitors
- Effect of Silicon Addtion on Electrical Properties of SrBi2Ta2O9 Thin Films