NTT LSI laboratories | 論文
- A 1GHz/0.9mW CMOS/SIMOX Divide-by 128/129 Dual-Modulus Prescaler Using a Divide-by 2/3 Synchronous Counter
- An Experimental Full-CMOS Multigigahertz PLL LSI Using 0.4μm Gate Ultrathin-Film SIMOX Technology (Special Issue on Sub-Half Micron Si Device and Process Technologies)
- Very-Low-Energy Electron Beam Lithography Using a Retarding Field
- Accurate Evaluation of Silicon Planar Doping in InAlAs for InAlAs/InGaAs Modulation Doped Structure Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Performance of X-Ray Stepper for Next-Generation Lithography
- ITO基板上有機EL材料の基板表面処理による膜特性と多結晶化
- ITOの表面処理法の違いが有機EL素子特性に及ぼす影響
- Optical Image Simulator Using the Real-Space Expression of the Object Pattern and a Differential Operator for Optical Proximity Effect Estimation
- Resolution Enhancement by Oblique Illumination Optical Lithography Using a Transmittance-Adjusted Pupil Filter
- Patterning Characteristics of Oblique Illumination Optical Lithography
- Analytical Method for Image Characteristics of Annular Illumination with a Spatial Filter in Optical Projection Lithography
- Defects Introduced by Ar Plasma Exposure in GaAs Probed by Monoenergetic Positron Beam
- Continuous Wavelength Tuning of Inter-Valence-Band Laser Oscillation in p-Type Germanium Over Range of 80-120 μm
- Photovoltaic Cells of Merocyanine Dye Polymer Thin Films Prepared by Plasma Polymerization Method : Chemistry : incl. physical process
- Photoconduction in Polyvinyl Carbazole Thin Films Polymerized by Plasma-CVD
- A Theoretical Investigation of the Metastability of Epitaxial Zinc-Blende CdSe on (100) Zinc-Blende Substrate
- Processing Uniformity Improvement by Magnetic Field Distribution Control in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Chamber
- Overlay Accuracy Evaluation in Step-and-Repeat X-Ray Lithography : Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
- Phosphorus Diffusion from Doped Polysilicon through Ultra-Thin SiO_2 Films into Si Substrates
- The High-T_c Phase with a New Modulation Mode in the Bi, Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter