Kyoto University of Education | 論文
- Second-Order Raman Scattering from Lithium Halide Single Crystals
- Luminescence Associated with Self-Trapped Excitons in LiI
- 5a-E-5 (p, n)準弾性散乱の偏極分解能測定
- 3a-E-2 大型2次元高効率中性子偏極度計の300MeVにおける較正
- Excited States of ^4He Observed in the ^4He(α, αd)^2H Reaction at 119 Mev
- The D (d,d) D, D (d,p) T and D (d,^3He) n Reactions at 13.2 MeV
- Breakup Reaction of ^3He by ^3He at 120 MeV
- Excited States of ^4He Observed in the ^6Li+d Reaction
- Spray Process and Fuel Pyrolysis in the Initial Stage of Diesel Combustion
- Fundamental Absorption in Alkali Chlorides in the Extreme Ultraviolet
- 20pZC-7 Solvation structure of bromobenzene molecule doped in supercritical xenon studied with fluorescent XAFS measurement
- Identity of Self-Trapped Exciton Configurations for the π Emission of NaI and the σ Emission of KI
- Effect of Dilatational Strain on the Self-Trapped Exciton Luminescence of Alkali Halides
- Free Exciton Luminescence in Mixed K_Rb_xI Crystals
- Oblique-Incidence Reflection Spectra of Excitons in Uniaxially-Strained Alkali Iodide Crystals
- Dyeing of Silkworm Cocoon Using Acid Dye
- Dyeing Property of Silkworm Cocoon
- Three-Body Breakup Reaction in FSI Region
- Multiple Scattering Correction on Quasi-Free Scattering
- 座談會 學問の思い出--佐藤長博士を圍んで〔含 略年譜,主要著作目録〕