Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University | 論文
- High-Field Magnetization and Magnetoresistance of Single-Crystal CeRhSb
- Metamagnetism in TbNi_2Si_2 Single Crystal
- Nuclear Resonant Quasielastic Scattering from Fe Cations in Nafion Membranes : Effect of Dynamics in a Short Time Range : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Raman Scattering Study of Phonon and Magnetic Excitations along the Magnetic Chain in CuGeO_3
- 日本及び中国産シマカンギクの染色体CMA/DAPI蛍光分染パターンの比較
- 六倍体ノジギクとウラゲノギクの染色体CMA/DAPI蛍光分染パターンの比較
- リボソームDNAのRFLP分析に基づくマメ科サイトウ属およびササゲ属6種の系統類縁関係
- 日本産キク属の種 : 細胞学および細胞遺伝学からみたその実体
- 中国遼寧省産古代ハスの核型
- 核型からみた伊吹山産ワカサハマギク
- Structural, Magnetic, Transport and Thermal Properties of Ucu_2Sn, Upt_2Sn and UAu_2Al
- A New Phase Transition of α-Ce_3Al Due to the Spin Fluctuation?─the Partial Substitution of La and Y for Ce─
- Transport Properties and Specific Bleat of (La_Ba_x)_2CuO_
- Anomalous Transport Due to Electromagnetic Fluctuations across a Magnetic Field
- Anomalous Ion Loss by Low Frequency Instabilities
- Anomalous Plasma Transport due to Electromagnetic Drift Wave Fluctuations
- Diffusion of a Multi-Ion Species Plasma Due to Drift Wave Fluctuations
- Diffusion of a Multi-Ion Species Plasma Due to Drift Wave Fluctuations
- Different Electronic Ground States in the Hexagonal and Cubic Phases of UAu_2Sn
- 日本産タヌキモ属4種の染色体〔英文〕