Bioresource Laboratories Mercian Corp. | 論文
- Characterization of L-Lysine 6-Aminotransferase and Its Structural Gene from Flavobacterium lutescens IFO3084
- Increase in the Rate of L-Pipecolic Acid Production Using lat-Expressing Escherichia coli by lysP and yeiE Amplification(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- ICM0301s, New Angiogenesis Inhibitors from Aspergillus sp. F-1491 : I. Taxonomy, Fermentation, Isolation and Biological Activities
- Tubelactomicin A, a Novel 16-Membered Lactone Antibiotic, from Nocardia sp. : II. Structure Elucidation
- Protection of Oral or Intestinal Candidiasis in Mice by Oral or Intragastric Administration of Herbal Food, Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
- Production of α,ω-Alkanediols Using Escherichia coli Expressing a Cytochrome P450 from Acinetobacter sp. OC4
- Vinylamycin, a New Depsipeptide Antibiotic, from Streptomyces sp.
- The Long-lasting Antiproliferative Effect of 15-Deoxyspergualin through its Spermidine Moiety
- The Decrease of Cytochrome c Oxidase Activity by 15-Deoxyspergualin Results in Enhancement of XTT Reduction in Cultured Cells
- Stimulation of Cellular XTT Reduction by Cytochrome Oxidase Inhibitors
- PP2A Inhibitors, Harzianic Acid and Related Compounds Produced by Fungus Strain F-1531
- Hydroxylation of Testosterone by Bacterial Cytochromes P450 Using the Escherichia coli Expression System
- EP-P17 Functional diversity and enzymatic application of cytochrome P450 from wood-rotting basidiomycetes(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- IC202B and C, New Siderophores with Immunosuppressive Activity Produced by Streptoalloteichus sp. 1454-19
- Hydroxylation of Oleanolic Acid to Queretaroic Acid by Cytochrome P450 from Nonomuraea recticatena
- Atypical kinetics of cytochromes P450 catalysing 3'-hydroxylation of flavone from the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium
- Organization of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for the Polyketide Antitumor Macrolide, Pladienolide, in Streptomyces platensis Mer-11107
- Production of Human Metabolites of Cyclosporin A, AM1, AM4N and AM9, by Microbial Conversion(Microbial Physiology and Biotechnology)
- Comparison of Two Vectors for Functional Expression of a Bacterial Cytochrome P450 Gene in Escherichia coli Using CYP153 Genes
- Increase in Pladienolide D Production Rate Using a Streptomyces Strain Overexpressing a Cytochrome P450 Gene(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)