Takahashi Atsushi | Department Of Cardiology Akita City General Hospital
Takahashi Atsushi
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
ISOBE Mitsuaki
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Hagiwara Nobuhisa
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Tsukamoto Taiji
Department Of Urology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Takao Atsuyoshi
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Masumori Naoya
Department Of Urology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Kawamoto Atsuhiko
Institute Of Biomedical Research And Innovation
Kobori Atsushi
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital
Tamura Mieko
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Ohhigashi Hirokazu
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Takahashi Yoshihide
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Nozato Toshihiro
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Kuwahara Taishi
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Hikita Hiroyuki
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Ohigashi Hirokazu
Cardiovascular Center, Yokosuka Kyosai General Hospital
Kasanuki Hiroshi
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Masumori Naoya
Masumori N
Department Of Urology Sapporo Medical University
Ohigashi Hirokazu
Cardiovascular Center Yokosuka Kyosai General Hospital
Hagiwara Nobuhisa
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Shoda Morio
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Miyazaki Shinsuke
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
高橋 篤
Department Of General Surgical Science (surgery I) Graduate School Of Medicine Gunma University
Kawashima Tomoyuki
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Miyazaki Toru
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Takei Asumi
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Futagawa Keisuke
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women’s Medical College
Hiroe Michiaki
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics Tohoku University
Takagi Atsushi
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Takahashi Yoshihide
Cardiovascular Center Yokosuka Kyousai Hospital
Hirose Makoto
Division Of Cradiology Heart Institute Chiba-nishi General Hospital
Hiroe Michiaki
Department Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Sato Akira
Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Hiroe Michiaki
Department of Nephrology and Cardiology, International Medical Center of Japan
Kasanuki H
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Heart Institute Tokyo Women's Medical University
Tanizaki Kohei
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Satoh Takahiro
Department of Cardiology, Saitama Cardiovascular Respiratory Center
Kuwano Hiroyuki
Department of Physics, Toho University
Tsukamoto Taiji
京都大学 医学研究科泌尿器科学
Kasanuki Hiroshi
東京女子医科大学 循環器内科学
Sato Takahiro
Division Of Cardiology Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital Cardiovascular Center
Aonuma Kazutaka
Department of Cardiology, University of Tsukuba Graduate School
Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Medicine, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
Satoh Akira
Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University
Suzuki Tsuyoshi
Department of Cardiology, Saiseikai Kurihashi Hospital
Katoh Takao
1st Department Of Internal Medicine Nippon Medical School
Tomomasa Takeshi
Department of Pediatrics, Gunma University School of Medicine
Shiga Tsuyoshi
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Kobori Atsushi
Cardiovascular Center Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Kanoh Hiroshi
Division of Cardiology, Heart Institute, Chiba-Nishi General Hospital
Misumi Kazuo
Division of Cardiology, Heart Institute, Chiba-Nishi General Hospital
笠貫 宏
Nitta Junichi
Department of Cardiology, Saitama Red Cross Hospital
Suzuki Makoto
Department of Cardiology, Kameda Medical Center
Sato Toru
Department Of Medical Education Keio University School Of Medicine
中村 匡秀
Hagiwara Nobuhisa
Seki Toshiro
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Department of Removable Prosthodontics and Gerodontology, Tokyo Dental College
吉田 晃敏
旭川市立旭川病院 眼科
吉田 晃敏
旭川医科大学 医工連携総研講座
吉田 晃敏
Tanaka K
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Nippon Medical School
佐久間 秀夫
Division Of Pathology Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital
SHIBA Hiroyuki
Department of Physics, Kobe University
Sasaki Takeshi
Department of Rheumatology, Tohoku University school of Medicine
Tsukamoto Taiji
北里大学 医学部泌尿器科
Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
佐藤 由紀夫
福島県立医科大学 医学部内科学第2
Sato Yukio
福島県立医科大学 医学部内科学第2
高橋 敦史
Divisions Of Rheumatology Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Koriyama 963-8558 Japan
大平 弘正
福島県立医科大学 医学部内科学第2
大平 弘正
Takahashi Yoshihide
Cardiovascular Center Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Ito Hiroyuki
Department Of Internal Medicine Division Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Akita University
Ogawa Hisao
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
佐藤 由紀夫
Sumiyoshi Tetsuya
Dep. Of Cardiology Sakakibara Heart Inst. Japan Res. Promotion Soc. For Cardiovascular Diseases
Shiga Tsuyoshi
筑波大学 人間総合科学研究科循環器内科
Hirao Kenzo
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Nogami Akihiko
Department Of Cardiology Musashino Red Cross Hospital
Kasanuki H
Hanzomon Cardiovascular Clinic
Yanagishita Daigo
Department of Cardiology, Osaka City General Hospital
Cardiovascular Center, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Hirao Kenzo
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
SATO Hiroshi
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Gastroenterology/Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tok
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Yamanashi, Faculty of Medicine
SATO Eiichi
Department of Physics, Iwate Medical University
Yamauchi Yasuteru
Department of Cardiology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
Department of Thoracic Surgical Oncology, the Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR
Department of Pathology, the Cancer Institute of JFCR
入澤 篤志
MORI Mitsuru
Department of Public Health, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
笠貫 宏
Kumagai Koji
Department of Cardiology, Gunma prefacture cardiovascukar center
Ohno Tetsuro
Department of Pharmacy, Sakakibara Heart Institute, Japan Research Promotion Society for Cardiovascu
阿部 和道
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
本間 一也
Department Of Urology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
椎名 亮輔
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
SHIINA Ryousuke
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sakamoto Tomohiro
済生会熊本病院 心臓血管センター循環器科
Maeda Yusuke
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Higashitani Michiaki
Department of Cardiology, Saitama Cardiovascular Respiratory Center
斯波 弘行
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
入澤 篤志
大原綜合病院 胃腸科
入澤 篤志
福島県立医科大学 内科学第二講座
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University
Tsukamoto Taiji
札幌医科大学 医学部泌尿器科教室
Department of Urology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Departments of Urology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Asaka Takahisa
Cardiovascular Center Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Sato Masaaki
Department Of Dental Science Institute Of Personalized Medical Science Health Sciences University Of
折笠 博史
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
渡辺 浩志
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
佐藤 由紀夫
Department Of Health Center Fukushima Medical University
Hirosawa Koshichiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery The Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical Univers
小林 浩子
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Tsukamoto Taiji
Sapporo Medical Univ. School Of Medicine Sapporo Jpn
Ogawa S
Department Of Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Rai Tsuyoshi
福島県立医科大学 外科学第一講座
Takano Makoto
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Miyazawa Reiko
Department of Pediatrics, Gunma University School of Medicine
Arakawa Hirokazu
Department of Pediatrics, Gunma University School of Medicine
斎藤 広信
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
斎藤 文子
高橋 敦史
大平 弘正
福島県立医科大学 第2内科
大平 弘正
Mori Fumiaki
Department of Neuropathology, Institute of Brain Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Med
Hiroe Michiaki
International Medical Center of Japan
Department of Urology, Iwate Medical University
Yamaguchi Iwao
Departments of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pharmacology, University of Tsukuba
Kobayashi Kenzaburou
Cardiovascular Division Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital
Iemitsu Motoyuki
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Fujishiro Mitsuhiro
Department Of Gastroenterology Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Department of Internal Medicine 2, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
OHIRA Hiromasa
Department of Internal Medicine 2, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
星 暢夫
Department of Pathology II, Fukushima Medical University
星 暢夫
Fujioka Tomoaki
東京大学医科学研究所ヒトゲノム解析センター ゲノムシークエンス解析分野
Fujioka T
Iwate Medical Univ. Iwate Jpn
Ikeda Tatsuru
Department of Clinical Pathology, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
Iwaki Hiroyuki
Department of Clinical Pathology, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
Suzuki Kazuhiro
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Nagoya University
Nogami Akihiko
Division of Cardiology, Yokohama Rosai Hospital
SATO Yoshikazu
Department of Urology, Sanjukai Hospital
Naito Seiji
原三信病院 泌尿器科
Mori Fumiaki
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Sato Yukio
Department Of Surgery University Of Tsukuba
阿部 和道
Sato Shuzo
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
Rai Tsuyoshi
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
Abe Kazumichi
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
Saito Hironobu
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
Sakamoto Natsumi
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
Hoshi Namiko
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
Suzuki Eiji
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine II, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
Nogami Akihiko
Cardiology Divison Yokohama Rosai Hospital
Mori Mitsuru
札幌医科大学 医学部公衆衛生学
Mori Mitsuru
札幌医科大学 泌尿器科
Watanabe Hiroshi
Department of Cardiology, Niigata City General Hospital
小原 勝敏
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Obara Katsutoshi
福島県立医科大学 内科学第二
Obara Katsutoshi
福島県立医科大学 医学部内科学第2
Obara Katsutoshi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical College
Sakuma Hideo
Division Of Pathology Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Koriyama 963-8558 Japan
Murakami Jun
Department of Cardiology, Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Inadome Yukinori
Inadome Yukinori
Department Of Pathology Hitachi General Hospital
Department of Urology, University of Tsukuba
Nara Medical University
University of Tsukuba
Nihon University
Nagashima Michitaka
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Satoh Naoki
Tokyo CCU Network Scientific Committee
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Kyoto University Hospital
Sato Naoki
Department Of Internal Medicine (divisions Of Cardiology Hepatology Geriatric And Integrated Medicin
Sato Naoki
Nakajima Masamichi
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Rai Tsuyoshi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Rai Tsuyoshi
The Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Sakamoto Tomohiro
Keio University School Of Medicine
Matsuyama Yuko
Department of cardiology, tokyo wemen's medical university
Nirei Takashi
Tokyo Metrpolitan Health and Medical Treatment Corpration Ebara Hosipital
Nagashima Michitaka
Department Of Cardiology The Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical University
Sato Shuzo
Fukushima Medical Univ. School Of Medicine Fukushima Jpn
Kameyama Kinichi
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Uchida Yoshie
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Serizawa Naoki
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Nakai Kenji
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Iwate Medical University
Nirei Takashi
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Treatment Corporation Ebara Hospital
Nirei Takashi
Department Of Cardiology Osaka City General Hospital
Nirei Takashi
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Maeda Toshihiro
Department of Cardiology, Komatsushima Red Cross Hospital
- PJ-668 Incremental Value of Combined 64-Slice Computed Tomography Angiography and Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Detection of Coronary Artery Disease(CT / DSA(10)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circ
- PJ-342 Rapid Progression of Coronary Artery Lesions From Mild to Severe Stenosis With Intravascular Ultrasound Virtual Histology(Intravascular endoscopy/Intravascular ultrasound(06)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Jap
- PJ-229 Clinical Profiles of Rapid Progression of Coronary Artery Lesions From Mild to Severe Stenosis Within One Year(Atherosclerosis,clinical(10)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Hepatic Adenomatous Hyperplasia with Hyperattenuation on CT During Arterial Portography: A Case Report
- PJ-200 Depression Persists in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator in Long Term(PJ034,Stress-psychosomatic Medicine (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-015 Psycological distress in patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator(Autonomic nervous system(02)(H),Oral Presentation(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-235 Recovery Time Dispersion and Arrhythmic Event in Patients with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device(PJ040,CRT/ICD 2 (M),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-090 The Clinical Utility of Defibrillation Waveform Optimization(PJ015,ICD (M),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-280 Clinical Significance of Electrical Storm after Initiation of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy(OE48,CRT (M),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-792 The Clinical Predictors of High Defibrillation Threshold in Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators : Is there hint in the Chest X-ray?(Arrhythmia, therapy(22)(A),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulati
- PJ-788 Measures for the Patients with High Defibrillation Threshold and the Outcome(Arrhythmia, therapy(22)(A),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-013 Visual and Quantitative Assessment of Angiographic Myocardial Blush Grade in Acute Myocardial Infarction With Multidetector Computed Tomography(Acute myocardial infarction, clinical(diagnosis/treatment)(08)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd An
- PE-513 Assessment of Myocardial Viability, Left Ventricular Remodeling and Prognosis After Acute Myocardial Infarction With 64-slice Multidetector Computed Tomography(CT/DSA(06)(I),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese
- PE-489 The Long-Term Effect of Extensive Pulmonary Vein Isolation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. How Long Should We Follow The Patients?(Arrhythmia,therapy(10)(A),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- PE-488 Left Atrial Ablation Can be Safely Performed in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Prior Cerebral Infarction(Arrhythmia,therapy(10)(A),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-060 Relationship Between Quantitative Measurements of Coronary Senosis Severity by Computed Tomography Angiography and the Physiologic Significance of Myocardial Perfusion(CT/DSA(04)(I),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the
- Retroperitoneal lymphangioma with a duodenal lesion in an adult
- Takayasu's Arteritis in a 69-year-old Woman
- A case-control study of diet and prostate cancer in Japan : possible protective effect of traditional Japanese diet
- PJ-344 Assessment of Myocardial Reperfusion by 64-slice Multidetector Computed Tomography in Patients Treated With Primary Stenting for Acute Myocardial Infarction(CT/DSA-08, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-129 Quantitative Measurements of Coronary Senosis Severity by 64-Slice Computed Tomography Angiography and the Relation to Physiologic Significance of Myocardial Perfusion(CT / DSA-04, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Soci
- WS1-2-4 Phase I Clinical Study of Anti-apoptosis Protein, Survivin-derived Peptide Vaccine Therapy for Patients with Advanced or Recurrent Urothelial Cancer(Urothelial Cell Cancer)
- Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma is frequently underexpressed in renal cell carcinoma
- Bladder cancer discovered by ovarian metastasis : Cytokeratin expression is useful when making differential diagnosis
- Cell proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis and growth rate of incidentally found renal cell carcinoma
- Elevated serum estradiol suggesting recurrence of Leydig cell tumor nine years after radical orchiectomy
- Does transurethral resection of the prostate facilitate detection of clinically significant prostate cancer that is missed with systematic sextant and transition zone biopsies?
- Recurrence of renal cell carcinoma more than 5 years after nephrectomy
- Growth rates of primary and metastatic lesions of renal cell carcinoma
- Recovery of sexual function after nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy or cystectomy
- Treatment for Advanced Testicular Cancer with High-Dose Chemotherapy and Autologous Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
- Routability Driven Via Assignment Method for 2-Layer Ball Grid Array Packages
- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of the Lesser Omentum in a Young Adult Patient with a History of Hepatoblastoma : Report of a Case
- Whole-genome profiling of chromosomal aberrations in hepatoblastoma using high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping microarrays
- Metastatic Cervical Carcinoma Mimicking Kidney Abscess
- PE-295 Bleeding Complications Associated with Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Plus Anticoagulant in Patients who Underwent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Drug-Eluting Stents(Coronary revascularization,PCI(11)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annua
- 5 Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in Japanese Patients with Nonischemic Heart Failure(Heart Failure and Arrhythmia, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Quality of life in patients having an ileal conduit, continent reservoir or orthotopic neobladder after cystectomy for bladder carcinoma
- Molecular markers for reinforcement of histological subclassification of neuroendocrine lung tumors
- OJ-069 Efficacy of Amiodarone in Prevention of Implantable Cardioveter Defibrillator Shocks in High-Risked Japanese Patients with Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy(Arrhythmia, therapy-06, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-604 Prediction of a Successful Defibrillation with a Single Low-energy Shock during Implantable Defibrillator Implantation Testing(Arrhythmia, therapy(21)(A),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Societ
- PJ-602 A Single Low-energy Shock Defibrillation Predicts a Successful ICD Lead System Configuration(Arrhythmia, therapy(21)(A),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-035 Short-term stability and pacing parameters of coronary sinus lead : Effect of defibrillation threshold test(Arrhythmia, therapy(23)(A),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-046 Renal Insufficiency and Appropriate Shock Therapy in Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Cardloverter Defibrillator(Novel Strategies for Arrhythmia(1)(A),Featured Research Session,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- Origin of Anomalous Optical Absorption in Double-Exchange Ferromagnet La_Sr_xMnO_3
- Nitric Oxide Derived from Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Inhibits Transendothelial Migration of Neutrophils
- Rapid and Prominent Up-Regulation of High-Affinity Receptor for Immunoglobulin G (FcγRI) by Cross-Linking of β_2 Integrins on Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
- Increased Washout Rate of ^Tc-MIBI of Non-infarcted Myocardium in Acute Myocardial Infarction(Nuclear Cardiology 7 (I), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Prognostic Value of Combination of Early Washout Rate of ^I-MIBG Myocardial Scintigraphy and BNP in Patients with Stable Heart Failure(Nuclear Cardiology 10 (I), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Sarcomatoid transitional cell carcinoma originating from a duplicated renal pelvis
- MRI Findings in the Liver in Biliary Atresia Patients after the Kasai Operation
- 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine(DOPA) Decarboxylase Deficiency and Resultant High Levels of Plasma DOPA and Dopamine in Unfavorable Neuroblastoma
- Gate-Level Register Relocation in Generalized Synchronous Framework for Clock Period Minimization(Selected Papers from the 19th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- Human-robot cooperative rope turning : an example of mechanical coordination through rhythm entrainment
- Possible Orbital Orderings in a Model of Metallic Double-Exchange Ferromagnets : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Solid-phase Extraction of High Oxidation State Metal Ion-Desferrioxamine B Chelates Using Sulfuric Acid-treated Silica Gel
- Anatomical Linear Ablation during Sinus Rhythm for Verapamil-sensitive Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia(Arrhythmia, Non-pharmacological Therapy 11 (A), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Relation Between Plasma Nitric Oxide Levels and Diabetic Retinopathy
- Non-invasive Evaluation of Endothelial Function in Retinal Microcirculation Using a Laser Doppler Velocimetry System(Endothelium/NO 1 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Spontaneous Conversion and Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm by Combination Bepridil and Flecainide Therapy in Patients with Chronic Lone Atrial Fibrillation
- Combination bepridil and flecainide therapy for conversion of chronic lone atrial fibrillation
- Possible involvement of adrenomedullin in lipopolysaccharide-induced small-intestinal motility changes in conscious rats
- OE-132 New Strategy of Left Atrial Ablation for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation : Bepridil Can Lead to Appropriate Ablation Strategy(Arrhythmia, therapy(02)(A),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Societ
- The effects of intestinal ischemia on colonic motility in conscious rats
- Bilateral ovarian teratomas successfully treated by ovary-conserving technique
- In vivo recording of colonic motility in conscious rats with deficiency of interstitial cells of Cajal, with special reference to the effects of nitric oxide on colonic motility
- Effect of Endotoxin on Colonic Motility in Conscious Rats
- On the Proper-Path-Decomposition of Trees
- Mechanical trouble with balloon and cuff of silicone catheter is still a clinical problem : little progression in uro-catheters?
- Schedule-Clock-Tree Routing for Semi-Synchronous Circuits (Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Clinical characteristics and surgical treatment of perianal and perineal rhabdomyosarcoma : analysis of Japanese patients and comparison with IRSG reports
- Phenytoin and Its Metabolite, 5-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-5-Phenylhydantoin, Show Bone Resorption in Cultured Neonatal Mouse Calvaria
- Optimal Time-Multiplexing in Inter-FPGA Connections for Accelerating Multi-FPGA Prototyping Systems
- Assignment of Intervals to Parallel Tracks with Minimum Total Cross-Talk
- Micropatterned HeLa Cell Culture on PEG Monolayer-Coated Glass Substrates
- Systemic Sarcoidosis with Significant Granulomatous Swelling of the Pharyngeal Tonsil
- Clinical features of liver dysfunction in collagen diseases
- Ectopic Ureterocele with a Horseshoe Kidney in an Adult
- Effect of Adrenalectomy on the Substrate Interaction with Cytochrome P-450 in the Hydroxylation of Steroid Hormones by Liver Microsomes
- A Fast Clock Scheduling for Peak Power Reduction in LSI
- Minimization of Delay Insertion in Clock Period Improvement in General-Synchronous Framework
- Properties of the Pion-Pion Interaction Derived from the Analysis of Pion-Nucleon Scatterings
- Pion-Pion Interaction and Pion-Nucleon Scattering
- An Improvement of Network-Flow Based Multi-Way Circuit Partitioning Algorithm
- An Efficient Algorithm to Extract an Optimal Sub-Circuit by the Minimum Cut
- Kinetic Analysis for Oxidation of Oleic Acid
- レーザーあざ治療時に母斑より発生する音響衝撃波の基礎研究
- A High-Speed and Low-Power Clock Tree Synthesis by Dynamic Clock Scheduling(Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- A Via Assignment and Global Routing Method for 2-Layer Ball Grid Array Packages(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- Routability Driven Via Assignment and Routing for 2-Layer Ball Grid Array Packages
- シリカ/ポリビニルアルコ-ル複合体の延伸とその複合体より得られるシリカゲルの細孔構造
- Routing of Monotonic Parallel and Orthogonal Netlists for Single-Layer Ball Grid Array Packages(Physical Design,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Pion-Nucleon Scattering at Low Energies and Partially Conserved Axial-Vector Current Hypothesis
- Application of the Dispersion Relation to the K^+-p Scattering
- Clock Period Minimization Method of Semi-Synchronous Circuits by Delay Insertion(Selected Papers from the 17th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- Clock Period Minimization of Semi-Synchronous Circuits by Gate-Level Delay Insertion (Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Caspase: executioner and undertaker of apoptosis
- Effect of Androgen and Estrogen on the Hydroxylation of Steroid Hormones by Rat Liver Microsomes
- Low Area Pipelined Circuits by the Replacement of Registers with Delay Elements(Circuit Synthesis,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Multi-Clock Cycle Paths and Clock Scheduling for Reducing the Area of Pipelined Circuits(System Level Design,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Routability Driven Via Assignment and Routing for 2-Layer Ball Grid Array Packages (デザインガイア2006--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)
- Routability Driven Via Assignment and Routing for 2-Layer Ball Grid Array Packages (デザインガイア2006--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)