日本臨床麻酔学会 | 論文
- Effect of epidural anesthesia on blood glucose and insulin level in the patients with liver dysfunction during upper abdominal surgery.
- 日帰り麻酔に欠かせないスキル
- 抗凝固療法下産婦人科開腹術のContext-Sensitive Analgesia
- 薬剤溶出ステントが留置された予定非心臓手術患者の周術期管理について
- Closed-circuit Anesthesia with a Newly Designed Infusion Pump Anesthetic Vaporizer.
- Awake craniotomyの麻酔管理
- Present state and the future of pediatric anesthesia.Present state of day care surgery by systemic anesthesia in Japan.
- 帯状疱疹後神経痛に対する薬物療法
- A Comparison between Neurolept Anesthesia and Inhalational Anesthesia for Asthmatic Patients.
- 脳外科手術におけるレミフェンタニルの使用法
- An Anesthetic Report of a Patient with Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis.
- 頚椎後方手術後に脳神経麻痺による嚥下障害を生じた3症例
- Anesthesia of a Patient with Romano-Ward Syndrome.
- Analysis of Hemodynamic Changes Using Systolic Pressure Variation(SPV) Measurement by Tonometric Method During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.
- Porphylactic use of morphine for hypertension following coronary artery bypass surgery under high dose fentanyl anesthesia.
- 局所麻酔のこれから─徐放化局所麻酔薬臨床応用へ向けて─
- 輸血部門からみた産科輸血
- Blood level and pharmacological effect of midazolam.
- New prospects for pain clinics.Relaxation medical treatment for cancer patients.
- エピドラスコピーによる慢性難治性腰下肢痛の治療