島根県立看護短期大学 | 論文
- 高齢者が生き生きとした入院生活を送るために : 主観的幸福感に焦点を当てて
- Finding a Meaningful Life : The Challenges and Purposes of Aging and the Role of the Nurse in Supporting Elders
- Male and Female Observers' Reactions to a Nurse's Touch
- Civil Inattention in Pedestrian Passing
- Preliminary Analysis of Individual Differences of the Perceived Encoding and Decoding Abilities (2)
- Preliminary Analysis of Individual Differences of the Perceived Encoding and Decoding Abilities (1)
- A study on rules and attitudes of nurses towards patients
- 役割形成に関する看護実践の体験の意味
- 21世紀に向けての看護教育
- Influence of Interpersonal Affect on Visual Interaction
- 英国の高齢者を支えるボランティアパワー
- Nonverbal communication: basic principles and practical applications in health care
- Revised Curriculum of Nursing Course in 1998 at Shimane Nursing College
- Shimane Nursing College: Its Present and Future : To be a socially responsible college with uniqueness and appeal
- Nursing as a Profession in the Twenty-First Century An oral presentation at the Fourth Seminar for Presidents of Junior and Community Colleges
- 看護学生の老人のイメージについて
- 保健師が実施した職域における健康診断の事後相談への評価
- 島根県立看護短期大学1年生の健康実態
- S県のハンセン病への取り組みからまなぶもの
- 島根県立看護短期大学における歯科保健対策の現状と課題