Plasma Dispersion for Druyvesteyn Type Velocity Distribution
- Multicusp Type Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source for Plasma Processing
- Measurement of Negative Ions in the Lower Ionosphere(D-Layer)in the Polar Regin
- Influence of Secondary Electron Emission on the Characteristics of Langmuir Probes
- Range of Application for Asymmetric Double Probes
- Optogalvanic Measurement of Negative Ions in Plasma by Semiconductor Lasers
- An Optimum Condition of Multipole Field for an ECR-Type Jon Source
- Laser-Assisted Probing Method for Measuring Negative Ions in Plasmas
- Negative Ion-Sensitive Probe : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Measurement of Negative Ions by Photodetachment with YAG Laser in Discharge Plasmas
- Characteristics of Double Probe in Negative Ion-Containing Plasmas
- Production of Negative Ion-Rich Plasma by Using a Magneric Filter in Oxygen
- Measurement of Negative Ions in the D-Layer by a Sounding Rocket
- Plasma Dispersion for Druyvesteyn Type Velocity Distribution
- Electron Energy Distribution in Multicusp-Type ECR Plasma
- Measuring Method for Ion Temperature by Asymmetric Probes in Magnetic Fields
- Production of Electron-Free Plasma by Using a Magnetic Filter in Radio Frequency Discharge