IWASAKI Hironori
Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
屋 宏典
IWASAKI Hirononi
Center of Nuclear Study (ONS), University of Tokyo
Iwasaki Hirononi
Center For Nuclear Study (cns) University Of Tokyo
岩崎 公典
Div. Of Molecular Biotechnology Center Of Molecular Bioscience Univ. Of The Ryukyus
IWASAKI Hironori
Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), University of Tokyo
- バガスアルカリ可溶性画分の糖含量と糖組成
- Molecular States in Neutron-Rich Beryllium Isotopes
- Coulomb Excitation of ^24Si
- Coulomb Dissociation of ^23Al
- Coulomb Excitation of ^Si
- Coulomb Dissociation of ^Al
- 食餌制限したラットで誘発する骨粗鬆症に対するエストロゲンの効果
- パパイア未受精胚珠からの不定胚誘導と植物体再生
- 大豆外皮由来水溶性ヘミセルロースのラット血清コレステロール濃度低下作用と盲腸の関連性
- ギンネム種子粉末を給与したブロイラー雛におけるミモシン中毒症
- 動脈硬化易発症ウズラのリポタンパク質プロフィールとLCAT活性 : 動物
- 大豆由来高食物繊維素材の物理的特性とラット脂質代謝へ及ぼす影響
- 成熟サトウキビ茎梢頭部のα-アミラーゼに関する研究(農芸化学科)
- B-24Galactia tashiroi(Gt)種子レクチンの精製およびその性質(一般講演)(支部講演会ならびにシンポジウム報告)
- 甘蔗茎皮ワックスの白ネズミの血清および肝臓脂質成分に及ぼす影響
- Inelastic Scattering of ^12Be with ^4He
- Inelastic Scattering of ^Be with ^4He
- Coulomb Dissociation of Halo Nuclei
- Effect of Kokuto, a Non-Centrifugal Cane Sugar, on the Development of Experimental Atherosclerosis in Japanese Quail and Apolipoprotein E Deficient Mice
- Analysis of Microsatellite Instability and Loss of Heterozygosity in Human Aortic Atherosclerotic Lesions
- Effect of Branched-Chain Fatty Acids on Fatty Acid Biosynthesis of Human Breast Cancer Cells
- 沖縄産食材由来の腫瘍選択的抑制活性物質の探索
- 熱帯油脂と生活習慣病(粥状硬化症、癌)
- Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype analysis among four novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the human leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) gene
- Association of the -381T/C promoter variation of the brain natriuretic peptide gene with low bone-mineral density and rapid postmenopausal bone loss
- ゲノム工学(2)SNPの解析--解析法の技術的進歩と疾患遺伝子の解析
- 骨粗鬆症のSNP解析--関連遺伝子群の同定 (〔2001年9月〕第1土曜特集 骨粗鬆症の基礎と臨床) -- (病態生理と診断と治療)
- Lipid distribution in branching coral Montipora digitata
- 乳がん細胞への細胞毒性に及ぼす脂肪酸の炭素鎖構造の影響
- Lipid composition of mangrove and its relevance to salt tolerance
- Human Tyrosinase Inhibitor in Rum Distillate Wastewater
- Comparative Study of the Effect of Basal Diet Formulation, Dietary Fat and Cholesterol Levels on the Development of Aortic Atherosclerotic Lesions in B6.KOR-Apoeshl Mice
- 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Radical Scavenging Activity and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Effects of Constituents of Sugarcane Molasses
- Antioxidative Flavan-3-ol Glycosides from Stems of Rhizophora stylosa
- Effect of Peucedanum japonicum Thunb on the Expression of Obesity-Related Genes in Mice on a High-Fat Diet
- Phenolic Compounds from Sugarcane Molasses Possessing Antibacterial Activity against Cariogenic Bacteria
- Tumor specific cytotoxicity of arctigenin isolated from herbal plant Arctium lappa L.
- Effect of Peucedanum japonicum Thunb Extract on High-fat Diet-induced Obesity and Gene Expression in Mice
- Tumor specific cytotoxicity of arctigenin isolated from herbal plant Arctium lappa L.