沖縄の海産魚から得られた吸虫の 2 新種
- 論文の詳細を見る
Two new species of trematodes are described from marine fishes captured in the Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan. Paragyliauchen arusettae sp. nov. (Gyliauchenidae) from the rectum of Arusetta sexstriatus is distinguished from P. chaetodontis by having much larger body, large cirrus pouch with well-developed prostatic cells, genital pore just posterior to caecal bifurcation, ramiform vitellaria, and smaller eggs. Neohexangitrema zebrasomatis gen. et sp. nov. (Angiodictyidae) from the intestine of Zebrasoma veliferum is characterized in lacking posterior projections, and having intercaecal testes and ovary, esophagus with posterior bulb, hermaphroditic pouch close to the oral sucker, and genital pore near posterior border of the oral sucker.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
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