物理学教室報告 <論文概要> イジング磁性体の遠赤外磁気分光--昔の研究の中からの新たな発見
永田 一清
Univ. Electro‐communications Tokyo
Nagata Kazukiyo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering Kanagawa University
Nagata Kazukiyo
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nagata Katsuaki
Faculty Of Engineering Tamagawa Univ.
- Susceptibility, Magnetization Process and ESR Studies on the Helical Spin System RbCuCl_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 物理学教室報告 イジング磁性体の遠赤外磁気分光--昔の研究の中からの新たな発見
- 磁気共鳴と磁気緩和--磁性体の動的理解
- 超微粒子磁性体の磁気共鳴
- Magnetic Phase Transitions in Rb_K_xNiCl_3 System : A Mixture of Antiferromagnets on Deformed Triangular Lattice
- Successive Magnetic Phase Transitions in RbVBr_3
- Magnetic Phase Diagram of CsMn_Co_xCl_3・2H_2O
- ESR in Hexagonal ABX_3 Type Antiferromagnets. II.KNiCl_3: Easy-Plane Anisotropy Case
- ESR in Hexagonal ABX_3-Type Antiferromagnets. : I. Ground State Properties in Easy-Axis Anisotropy Case
- The Successive Magnetic Phase Transition of Hexagonal Antiferromagnet CsMnI_3 Observed by Optical Birefringence
- Magnetic Susceptibility Study on RbCuCl_3
- Magnetic Phase Transition in (CH_3)_4NMnBr_3(TMMB)
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Jahn-Teller-Crystals.I.CsCuCl_3
- Magnetic Susceptibility Studies on CsCrCl_3 and RbCrCl_3
- Influence of Cooperative Jahn-Teller Effect in CsCuCl_3 Crystals on the Broadening of EPR Lines
- ガラス中に析出した酸化鉄超微粒子系の磁性
- Submillimeter Wave ESR Measurements of CsMnBr_3
- Effects of Diagonal Interchain Exchange Interaction on the ESR Modes of ABX_3-Type Triangular Antiferromagnets
- Symmetry Breaking Birefringence of a Hexagonal Antiferromagnet CsMnI_3
- Magnetic Susceptibility Study of CsCuCl_3
- Effects of Interchain Exchange Interactions on ESR Modes in Axial Triangular Antiferromagnets
- Straggling in Energy Loss of Energetic Heavy Ions (Z≤8)in Thick Silicon Absorber
- Energy Loss and Straggling of High-Energy Electrons in Silicon Detectors
- Mass and Energy Limit of Isotope Identification of Heavy Ions Using ?E-E Silicon-Detector Telescope
- Observations of Ultraheavy Cosmic Ray Particles with Z>45 at 10 GV Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity
- Satellite-Borne dE/dx・E Semiconductor Detector Telescope for Isotope Identification in Heavy Primary Cosmic Ray Particles of Mass Number 7≦M≦56