- 論文の詳細を見る
The hepatic flora of the Oki Islands, Shimane Pref. (about 36°N and 133°E) comprises 72 species. Of them 42 species are distributed in the Japan-Korea-China area, 17 are palaeotropical, and the remaining 13 are ubiquitous species in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. No species of holarctic distribution were found in the Oki Islands. All of the hepatics observed in the Oki Islands are very common in low-land and montane areas of south-western Japan. Fourty of the 111 species of hepatics known from the Tsushima Islands are not known from the Oki Islands. Difference of microhabitats in both islands seems to cause the difference in the hepatic flora. It is noteworthy that Marchantia polymorpha, M. paleacea var. diptera and M. tosana are not found from the Oki Islands, although there are many suitable habitats for these species and they are rather common in neighbouring San-in district of western Honshu.
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