- 論文の詳細を見る
A new locality of Takakia lepidozioides HATT. et INOUE was found in the Shiga Highlands, Nagano Pref., where this species was found on more or less moist andesite rocks along small valley, at about 1700 m. alt. The forest vegetation around the habitat of Takakia lepidozioides is dominated by Abies mariesii, Tsuga diversifolia, and Betula ermanii, and the habitat condition was markedly different from that in the previously known localities in Japan. Another new locality was found on Mt. Iide, Yamagata Pref., where this species was found on most granite rock at 1810 m. alt., in alpine vegetation zone ; the present new locality will fill up the gap between Mt. Daisetsu in Hokkaido and high mountains in central Honshu, and it may suggest that this species will distribute in more several other mountains in Tohoku district, northern Honshu. When cultured in moist chamber in the laboratory (at room temperature and diffused sun right), several leaves of Takakia lepidozioides produced mucilage hairs just like those previously known on leafy-stem and rhizomatous stem. This fact may indicate that the leaves are physiologically or histologically undifferentiated from the stem, thus showing very primitive nature of Takakia lepidozioides.
- 日本植物分類学会の論文
- 1982-04-20
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