- 論文の詳細を見る
In the National Park for Nature Study situated in the central part of Tokyo were found 52 species of bryophytes, and the checklist of these species was given. Leptodictyum kochii was the most notable among the known species in this park, because it has been known only from a few localities in Japan. In 1954 the National Park for Nature Study published a list of 61 species of bryophytes. Since then some 34 species have been disappeared and some 25 species have been newly introduced to the park, possibly by the great urbanization in the surrounding areas. The bryophytes occurring on terrestrial habitat in the park were restricted to marsh and trailside area, and there were found almost no terrestrial bryophytes on the forest floor where there are heavy leaf-fall. The 16 species of epiphytic bryophytes were found and they were classified into three groups according to the tree-species. The first group is mainly consisted of Clastobryella kusatsuensis and Lophocolea minor, growing on the trunk of Castanopsis cuspidata, Quercus spp. And Prunus spp. With rather small coverage. The second group includes Frullania muscicola, Lophocolea minor and Cololejeunea japonica, growing on Aphananthe aspera with rather small cove-rage. The third group includes Haplocladium angustifolium, Entodon challengeri and Cololejeunea japonica, growing on the trunk of Salix subfragilis in the marsh area ; the coverage was the largest of the three. The frequency of epiphytic bryophytes in a stand differs according to the configuration of the ground (fig. 8), and the coverage and frequency of epiphytic bryophytes became larger towards the marsh area.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1979-03-25
井上 浩
中村 俊彦
杉田 久志
中村 俊彦/杉田
井上 浩
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