大学における保険薬局の取り組み (特集 薬学部・薬科大学の新たな取り組み)
葛谷 昌之
Matsuyama Univ. Ehime Jpn
Kuzuya Masayuki
Laboratory Of Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry Gifu Pharmaceutical University
- 負イオン化学イオン化質量分析法におけるインドール系化合物の有効な誘導体化法
- 負イオンマススペクトルの相対感度といくらかの生物活性物質の分子イオン開裂特性に関する分子軌道法的研究
- Nature of Protein Adsorption in Artificial Tear Solution on Plasma-Irradiated Polymethylmethacrylate Surface
- 砂糖ラジカル測定による東海村臨界事故の放射線被曝の推定
- Plasma-Assisted Immobilization of Heparin onto Low-Density Polyethylene Surface
- Pharmaceutical and biomedical engineering by plasma techniques
- 4. プラズマ製薬(医療バイオ分野へのプラズマ応用)
- Conventional Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Utilized for Polymeric Micelle by Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization
- Preparation of Floating Drug Delivery System by Plasma Technique
- Synthesis of DNA Conjugate by Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization and Its Affinity Separation of Oligonucleotides Having Single-Base Difference by Capillary Electrophoresis
- 病院・薬局処方で粉砕される市販錠剤からのラジカルの生成
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization (XI) : Effect of Water-Insoluble Pharmaceutical Aids on Drug Release from Mechanically Synthesized Polymeric Prodrugs
- Novel and Simple Preparation Method of Matrix-Type Composite Particles for Controlled Drug Release by Mechanical Action
- Nature of Mechanoradical Formation of Substituted Celluloses as Studied by Electron Spin Resonance
- ステンレス製容器を用いたメカノケミカル固相反応によるリボフラビンラジカルの生成
- 「日向天照水」の分析と評価
- Peroxy Radical Formation from Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Polyethylene as Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Low Density Polyethylene(LDPE) Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Nature of Auto-oxidations on Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Aromatic Ring-containing Polymers as Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Nature of Auto-oxidations on Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Polyethylene Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Low Density Polyethylene Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Special Features of Peroxy Radicals on Plasma-Irradiated Polymers.
- Nature of Auto-Oxidations on Plasma-Induced Surface Radicals of Polyethylene Studied by Electron Spin Resonance
- Special Features of Peroxy Radicals on Plasma-irradiated Polymers
- Azaquinonoid-Keteneの分子軌道計算とそのN, N-Dimethylanilino基との分子内閉環の解析
- Molecular Orbital Calculations for Azaquinonoid-Ketene and Analysis of the Intramolecular Cycloaddition with the N, N-Dimethylanilino Group
- ロイコトリアリルメタン色素類の物理化学的研究 : Dimethylanilineの脱離を伴う異常炭素-炭素結合切断について
- Physicochemical Study on Leuco Triarylmethane Dyes ; Unusual Carbon-Carbon Bond Cleavage Involving an Elimination of Dimethylaniline
- 3,3-Diarylphthalidesの4,4-Diaryl-3,4-dihydro-1(2H)-phthalazinonesへの変換における置換基効果と構造制限
- Substituent Effects and Structural Limitations in the Conversion of 3,3-Diarylphthalides to 4,4-Diaryl-3,4-dihydro-1 (2H)-phthalazinones
- ESR Study on the Nature of Oxygen Plasma-Induced Surface Radicals of Teflon and Corresponding Peroxy Radical Reactivity.
- 低温プラズマ技術の新規医薬学的応用
- 低温プラズマ技術の新規医薬学的応用
- 国際薬学連合(FIP)第65回年会(カイロ)に参加して
- プラズマ表面処理による新しいドラッグデリバリーシステムの開発
- 薬学教育6年制の施行に向けて
- プラズマの医薬品工学への応用
- 低温プラズマ技術によるDDSの薬物放出制御の設計と開発に関する研究
- タイトル無し
- プラズマ照射した医薬品助剤を利用する新規なドラッグデリバリーシステムの開発 : 第10報 スチレン-(無水)マレイン酸共重合体を外層高分子とした二重錠剤へのプラズマ照射によるテオフィリンの放出制御
- Controlled Release of Insulin from Plasma-Irradiated Sandwitch Device Using Poly-DL-lactic Acid
- プラズマ技術を用いる新規DDSの開発 (特集 健康の維持と増進を科学する--疫病を克服し、もっと健康に)
- A New Drug Delivery System (DDS) Development Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. IV. Controlled Release of Theophylline from Plasma-Irradiated Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Polycarbonate as a Single Wall Material
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. V. Controlled Release of Theophyline from Plasma-Irradiated Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of a Wall Material Containing Polybenzylmethacrylate
- 5,6-Benzo-2-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octadienone類のダイパイメタン転位の配向選択性における外見変則極性置換基効果
- 5,6-Benzobicyclo[2.2.2]actadiene類のダイパイメタン光転位における配向選択性支配因子について
- Plasma-Assisted Immobilization of Bio-Molecules on LDPE Surface
- 高分子材料のプラズマ表面処理 (特集 表面処理技術の展望)
- プラズマ技術を利用した製剤材料の基礎的研究
- Synthesis of Water-Soluble Polymeric Prodrugs Possessing 4-Methylcatechol Derivatives by Mechanochemical Solid-State Copolymerization and Nature of Drug Release
- Introduction of Durable Hydrophilicity on Nylon12 by Plasma Treatment.
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. IX. : Controlled-Release of Theophylline from Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Cellulose Derivatives as Wall Material.
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. VIII. : Delayed-Release of Theophylline from Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Eudragit as Wall Material.
- Estimation of Radiation Exposed Area by the Nuclear Accident Occurred at Tokai Village Using ESR Measurements of Household Sugar.
- Preparation of Floating Drug Delivery System by Plasma Techniques
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. IX. Controlled-Release of Theophylline from Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Cellulose Derivatives as Wall Material
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. VIII. Delayed-Release of Theophylline from Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Eudragit as Wall Material
- 高分子材料のプラズマ表面処理
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization (X) : The Influence of Copolymer Structure in Copolymeric Prodrugs on the Nature of Drug Release.
- Introduction of Durable Hydrophilicity on Nylon12 by Plasma Treatment
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization (X) : The Influence of Copolymer Structure in Copolymeric Prodrugs on the Nature of Drug Release
- Mechanolysis of Glucose-Based Polysaccharides As Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Plasma-Induced Free Radicals of Polycrystalline Monocarbohydrates Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Specificites in Structures of Surface Radicals on Substituted Celluloses Produced by Plasma-irradiation.
- Plasma-Induced Free Radicals of Polycrystalline Carbohydrate as Spin Probe for Plasma Diagnosis of Plasma Treatment.
- プラズマ照射により生成する固体糖類のラジカル解析とその反応性に関する研究
- プラズマの新しい医薬品工学への応用
- 低温プラズマ処理による輸液用プラスチック容器への薬剤吸着抑制効果
- Hydrogen Bonds of Poly-[(n-alkyl methacrylate)-co-(methacrylic acid)]'s in Dilute Solutions.
- Mechanochemical Solid-state Polymerization. IX. : Thoretical Analysis of Rate of Drug Release from Powdered Polymeric Prodrugs in a Heterogeneous System.
- Mechanochemical Solid-state Polymerization. VIII. : Novel Composite Polymeric Prodrugs Prepared by Mechanochemical Polymerization in the Presence of Pharmaceutical Aids.
- Plasma-Induced Free Radicals of Polycrystalline Monocarbohydrates Studied by Electron Spin Resonance
- Specificities in Structures of Surface Radicals on Substituted Celluloses Produced by Plasma-irradiation
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization. IX. Theoretical Analysis of Rate of Drug Release from Powdered Polymeric Prodrugs in a Heterogeneous System
- Hydrogen Bonds of Poly[(n-alkyl methacrylate)-co-(methacrylic acid)]'s in Dilute Solutions
- The Syntheses of Novel Hybrid Polymeric Prodrugs Prepared by Mechanochemical Polymerization and the Nature of their Drug Release.
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization. VIII. Novel Composite Polymeric Prodrugs Prepared by Mechanochemical Polymerization in the Presence of Pharmaceutical Aids
- メカノケミカル固相重合による新規ハイブリッド型高分子プロドラッグの構築とその薬物放出特性
- Effect of Alkyl Substituent on Plasma-Induced Freee Radicals of Cellulose Derivatives.
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. VII. : Controlled Release of Theophylline from Plasma-Irradiated Polymer-Coated Granules.
- A Novel Collision-Induced Solid State Radical Recombination.
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. VI. : Controlled Release of Theophylline from Plasma-Irradiated Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Water-Soluble Poymers as a Wall Material.
- 酸素の毒性について
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. V. : Controlled Release of Theophylline from Plasma-Irradiated Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of a Wall Material Containing Polybenzylmethacrylate.
- Spectrochemistry of Plasma-Induced Free Radicals in Cellulose Derivatives.
- Electron Spin Resonance Study on Plasma-Induced Surface Radicals of Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymer.
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. VII. Controlled Release of Theophylline from Plasma-Irradiated Polymer-Coated Granules
- プラズマ化学の基礎と医薬品工学への応用研究
- A New Drug Delivery System Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Aids. VI. Controlled Release of Theophylline from Plasma-Irradiated Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Water-Soluble Polymers as a Wall Material
- Spectrochemistry of Plasma-Induced Free Radicals in Cellulose Derivatives
- Mechanochemical Reactions of Plasma-Induced Surface Radicals on Polyethylene.
- Quantum Chemical Rationale on Free-Radical Formation of Irradiated Acrylic Polymers.
- Molecular Orbital Study on Photoreaction of Peroxy Radicals of Polytetrafluoroethylene.
- Electron Spin Resonance Study on Plasma-Induced Surface Radicals of Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymer
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization. VII. The Nature of Hydrolysis of Novel Polymeric Prodrugs Prepared by Mechanochemical Copolymerization
- Quantum Chemical Study on Conformational Properties of Bipyridine Cardiotonics.
- A New Drug Delivery System (DDS) Development Using Plasma-Irradiated Pharmaceutical Acids. IV. : Controlled Release of Theophylline from Plasma-Irradiated Double-Compressed Tablet Composed of Polycarbonate as a Single Wall Ma
- Observation of Counterpart Radical on Main-Chain Scission in Plasma-Irradiated Methacrylic Polymers.
- プラズマ化学によるドラッグ工学の新展開
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization. VI. Quantum Chemical Considerations for Structural Criteria of Mechanically Polymerizable Vinyl Monomers