- 論文の詳細を見る
A 16 year-old male with left facial swelling involving the canine fossa is presented. After clinical and radiological examinations, a dentigerous cyst associated with the maxillary third molar was diagnosed. Histopathological examination disclosed a follicular dentigerous cyst and partially simulating ameloblastoma.
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- Results of surgery for congenital aural atresia and stenosis.
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- Anomaly of the Handle and Anterior Process of the Malleus.
- A Thermographic Study of Autonomic Effect of TTS-Scopolamine (II):Thermographic Investigation
- タイトル無し
- Effect of Transdermal Scopolamine on Induced Nystagmus
- Hyoid bone syndrome; A case report.:A Case Report
- A Thermographic Study of Autonomic Effect of TTS-Scopolamine
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