内耳内リンパ圧と蝸電図:Inner ear valve implant失敗例の検討
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Implantation of Arenberg Denver inner ear valve is one of the methods of endolymphatic drainage operation for Meniere's disease. A use of this valve was tried for a 38-year-old man with Meniere's disease in our clinic in vain because of obstruction of the tube, which was found at the second operation. The patient had repeated attack of vertigo, necessitating removal of the implant. During his clinical course, inner ear function was measured several times by electrocochleogram technique. We confirmed that volume of the Summating Potential (SP) area greatly increased with the increase of endolymphatic pressure. We, therefore, consider that the volume of the SP area is a better indicator of the presence of endolymphatic hydrops than the generally accepted SP/AP ratio (AP: Action Potential).
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