Transdermal scoplamine in the treatment of vertiginous spell of Meniere's disease
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The efficacy of transdermal therapeutic system scopolamine (TTS scopolamine) has been evaluated in six patients with confirmed Meniere's disease, who can recognize themselves relatively definite prodromal symptoms several hours before occurrence of intractable vertigious spell and has relatively severe autonomic nervous disorder symptoms. At onset of prodromal symptoms, one sheet of TTS scopolamine was applied to a dried postauricular skin and it was left unremoved for three days. Clinical observations suggested that TTS scopolamine could control feeling of vertigo in four of the six patients and autonomic nervous symptom in five of the six patients. The application of TTS generally alleviated the onset of scopolamine's side effects. However, adverse effect of blurred vision and dryness of the mouth were noticed.
- 日本めまい平衡医学会の論文
稲守 徹
兵庫医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
森 裕司
雲井 健雄
雲井 健雄
稲守 徹
町塚 博文
池田 利夫
雲井 健雄
森 裕司
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