The Anticoagulant Activity and Hypocholesterolemic Effect of a Hot Water Extract from the Red Alga Ibaranori (Hypnea charoides)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ibaranori (Hypnea charoides), a red alga, grows along the coast of the Japanese islands and is commonly eaten in southwestern areas such as Okinawa Prefecture. While H. charoides is thought to be a health-promoting food, the underlying mechanism of this benefit is not well understood. In this study, in order to examine the health benefits of H. charoides, a hot water extract was evaluated for its anticoagulant activity by using thromboelastography and measuring the hypocholesterolemic effect on hypercholesterolemic rats administered the hot water extract orally. The extract significantly exerted anticoagulant activity, as indicated by changes in thromboelastogram parameters and suppression of the increase in rat liver cholesterol ester and rat serum cholesterol. Based on these results, the health benefits of H. charoides as a useful food resource and the potential for effective use of the alga are suggested.
- 社団法人 日本食品科学工学会の論文
Tanaka Ryusuke
Laboratory Of Fisheries Technology Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Matsushita Teruo
Laboratory Of Food Function And Food Biochemistry Department Of Food Science And Technology National Fisheries University
Sugiura Yoshimasa
Laboratory Of Food Function And Food Biochemistry Department Of Food Science And Technology National Fisheries University
HANAOKA Ken-ichi
Laboratory of Food Function and Food Biochemistry, Department of Food Science and Technology, National Fisheries University
TANAKA Ryusuke
Department of Food Science, National Fisheries University
田中 竜介
田中 竜介
Department of Food Science and Technology, National Fisheries University
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