- 論文の詳細を見る
The trends of food consumption pattern in last 30 years were showed on a Two Dimensional Spatial Diagram of Food Consumption. This diagram is a kind of correlation diagram which is composed by two axes of food characteristics. These characteristics, i.e., the omnivorousness of the first factor and the type of traditional vs modern food of the second which are deduced in terms of principal factor analysis using data of National Nutrition Survey 1971. This statistical method has been reported already as the numerical food ecology. During 30 years after the Second World War, the trends of food consumption pattern were divided into three terms; in the first term (1949-1961) food consumption pattern was almost stable, in the second term (1962-1971) there was an apparent change that amounts of cereals decreased widely and contrariwise the amounts of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish etc. increased and in the third (1972-1978) the food consumption pattern shifted into the modern food type. When we inspected the relationship between the food consumption pattern and economic status, we were able to find that food consumption pattern had changed as to the first factor together with economic growth especially in the second term. And the modernization of food consumption pattern had processed steadily throughout the second and third terms. As mentioned above, it has become clear that the two-dimensional spatial diagram of food consumption is available to practical problems.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
丸井 英二
金子 俊
豊川 裕之
三宅 由子
市川 雅教
松村 康弘
豊川 裕之
豊川 裕之
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