- 論文の詳細を見る
Nutrition survey was held on 88 Korean women living at Adachi-ku, Tokyo, May 11-12, 1981, in order to make clear their food consumption pattern in comparison with Japanese women who were surveyed in terms of the same method by the authors. In addition, generation gap were also estimated among the Korean women. 1) Results in amounts of food consumed The amount of food cosumed a day per capita was weighed and scaled so carefully that well-trained interviewers of nutritionists visited with them every days and supported them to weight and write on the recording paper. When amount of food consumed in each food-articles were compared between Korean and Japanese women, there were as reasonable differences as nation-wide differences between them in several food-articles, i.e., milk, noodle and vegetables which are consumed larger amount in Japanese than in Korean, and kimchies, rice, meat and processed food which were consumed larger amount in Korean than in Japanese. There were very interesting results that the generation gaps between the first and the second generation of Koreans in Tokyo simulated the gaps between Korean food in their home country and Japanese food in National Nutrition Survey. In other say, Koreans in Tokyo are adapting to Japanese food in generation scale but not in simple chronological scale. 2) Results in Food Consumption Structure The correlation coefficients between all of food groups were shown in matrix were named "Food Consumption Structure "hby Toyokawa, H., a member of the authors. The food consumption structure was so characteristic in both of Korean two generations and the suburban Japanese female that there were much clear differences among These differences showed also an aspect of sociocultural association between Korea Japan.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
豊川 裕之
丸井 英二
豊川 裕之
東邦大学医学部 公衆衛生学教室
矢ヶ崎 信子
季 誠国
金子 俊
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