- 論文の詳細を見る
Home Screening Questionnaire (HSQ) is a parent-answered questionnaire based on the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME Inventory and was developed by the JFK Child Development Center, Univ, of Colorado in 1977 to evaluate a child's home environment. The HSQ consists of multiple-choice, fill-in-the blank, and Yes/No questions and each HSQ item which positively contributes to the child's development is counted into a total score. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether the HSQ could be used for Tokyo children and to make comparison between child's environment in Tokyo and Denver. The Subjects and Method; The subjects were selected from the visitors to public health centers and well baby clinics in 1982-1983 either in a compulsory health check-up or in voluntary health onsultation. Results; (1) As the first step, answers to the Questionnaire were collected in 1982 from 200 mothers of toddlers and 130 mothers of three years old . All the items and the scores of the HSQ were analized according to the original HSQ manual . Some differences in the norms of the HSQ items were found between Tokyo and Denver. It was found necessary to modify the scoring of 6 of 31 items of HSQ for 0-3 years, and 8 of 34 items for 3-6 years. One item is both ages had to be omitted. (2) As the second step the field trial was conducted in 1983 for 144 mothers of toddlers and 106 mothers of three years old. The HSQ was modified based on the 1982 study. The results demonstrated that this modified form was useful as a screening tool to identify the high risk home environment. Similarities of the norms of the HSQ were found between Tokyo and Denver in 19 of 31 items for 0-3 year HSQ and 14 of 34 items for 3-6 HSQ, but there were also differences in the rest of the items in both age groups . In conclusion, the scoring method of the original HSQ should be modified due to the cultural differences in child rearing behavior and environment between two countries . The meaning of the similarities and differences of the norms of the HSQ scoring between two countries were also discussed. This paper was presented at 10th World Congress of Social Psychiatry, Sept. 4 - 8, 1983, Osaka, Japan
- 成人初期の健康状態とそれに関連する変数 : 性差を中心に
- 自己開示性と重要他者との関係 : 青年期について
- 体型の変化 : 乳児期から成人初期まで
- 116 A群色素性乾皮症患児のきょうだいの問題意識と母親の対処方法
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- 子育て評価と親子関係
- 081 子育て評価と親子関係 : 第1報 親の視点から
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- 103 保育園児の母の仕事と育児 : 園管理者の視点から
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- 紀要の発刊に当たり
- 082 子育て評価と親子関係(第2報) : 子どもの視点から
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- 新しい看護学をめざして(その1)温故知新
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- 新しい看護学をめざして(その5)大学院時代の素晴らしい人・著書との出会い(1)
- 新しい看護学をめざして(その4)看護と専門職教育(2)
- 新しい看護学をめざして(その6)大学院時代の素晴らしい人・著書との出会い(2)
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- 新しい看護学をめざして(その3)看護と専門職教育(1)
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- Scientific Program Evaluation for Health Development
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- 乳児前期における視覚的反応
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