- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to clarify the involvements of acceptance of favorites such as tabacco, alcohol, coffee and tea in women's complaining, the relationship between their complaint and factor structure of preference, which was calculated by using factor analysis from acceptances of favorites and preferences for food groups classified 13 according to food composition table, was examined in 236 women aged 20-39 . The explanation of its relationship was performed by canonical discriminant analysis with 7 explanatory variables; its 4 factor scores, age, systolic, diastolic blood pressure and weight index examined simultaneously. The results were as follows: 1) The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th factor of preference by factor analysis was deduced to be that for volumed foods, side foods, modern foods and favorites, respectively. 2) The women with either of headache, constipation or coldness of extrimities, which were found to be specified complaints to women in another examination of comparing men's complaint was discriminated from women free from complaints by the 1st canonical discriminant variate, and the women with the other complaints was by the 2nd canonical discriminant variate. The size of explanatory variables for 1st canonical variate was the order of the 2nd, 1st and 4th factor of preference, and 2nd discriminant variate was large above all for age variable. These results suggest that women's complaining of headahe, constipation and coldness of extrimities has deep relationship to no preference for side foods as well as preferences for favorites, while the other complaints being related especially to aging.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
中村 裕之
中村 秀喜
野原 聖一
田畑 正司
栗山 典子
中村 裕之
中村 秀喜
野原 聖一
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