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In order to clarify the involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) in the responses of organisms to exposure to whole body vibration, dopamine (DA) metabolism and levels of DA-related neuropeptides: substance P-like immunoreactivity (SP-LI), somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SRIF-LI) and neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NT-LI) in various discrete regions of the rat brain were examined in the following three groups; a group exposed to whole body vibration (4G, 20Hz, 1.5 hours), a group exposed to noise (68-72 dB (A), 1.5 hours) associated with the driving of a vibration generator, and a control group. Simultaneously, changes of both rectal temperatures and plasma corticosterone levels and the development of gastric ulcers were examined as indices of the autonomic-endocrine function.1. Rectal temperatures and plasma corticosterone levels were increased by the exposure to whole body vibration, as compared with those of the group exposed to noise. Furthermore, gastric ulcers developed in all of the rats exposed to whole body vibration.2. The whole body vibration increased the DA turnover rate in the frontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens, compared with those in the noise group. SP-LI in the nucleus accumbens was also increased significantly.3. The striatal SRIF-LI was increased in the rats subjected to whole body vibration.4. SP-LI and SRIF-LI in the amygdala were increased in the whole body vibration group as compared with in the noise group. A significant increase of NT-LI was also observed in the hypothalamus.5. SP-LI was reduced and NT-LI was increased in the frontal cortex of the rats exposed to whole body vibration.6. The noise exposure caused no changes in rectal temperature, plasma corticosterone levels or gastric mucosa. However, the DA turnover in the amygdala increased significantly compared with that of the control group, suggesting that the DA neurons projecting to the amygdala were involved in emotional changes induced by the exposure to noise stress.7. The combined effects of noise and whole body vibration could not be observed in this study.In conclusion, the findings obtained in the present study indicate that DA systems in the CNS, especially the mesocortical DA system, may be involved in various responses of the organism, including emotional changes in a functional relationship with SP, SRIF and NT neuron systems in various brain regions when subjected to whole body vibration.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
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