The preparation of colloidal precious metal particles using copolymers of vinyl alcohol-N-vinylpyrrolidone.
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Precious metal particles of platinum and silver have been prepared by the reduction of metal salts dissolved in an aqueous solution of a copolymer of vinyl alcohol and <I>N</I>-vinylpyrrolidone with methanol. The stable platinum sols were obtained in the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol), poly(<I>N</I>-vinylpyrrolidone), and their copolymers, but their particle sizes hardly changed with the ratio of <I>N</I>-vinylpyrrolidone in the copolymer. On the other hand, colloidal stable silver sols were obtained only in the presence of a copolymer. Further, with an increase in the ratio of <I>N</I>-vinylpyrrolidone in the copolymer, the particle size of silver became small.
- 公益社団法人 日本化学会の論文
Esumi Kunio
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Institute Of Colloid And Interface Science Science University Of
Esumi Kunio
Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo
Meguro Kenjiro
Department of Applied Chemistry and Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo
Nakamura Yukari
Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo
Torizuka Makoto
Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo
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