The thermodynamics of nonstoichiometric Pr1-yGdyO1.5+.DELTA..
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In order to contribute to the study of the thermodynamics of point defects in ionic crystals, the nonstoichiometry, δ, of Pr<SUB>1−<I>y</I></SUB>Gd<I><SUB>y</SUB></I>O<SUB>1.5+δ</SUB> (<I>y</I>=0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4) with a wide nonstoichiometric composition range was measured as a function of the oxygen partial pressure. Assuming that excess oxygen ions preferentially occupy Z-sites of the bixbyite structure and that the Pr<SUP>3+</SUP> and Pr<SUP>4+</SUP> ions are distributed on cationic sites at random, the equilibrium constant, <I>K</I>, was calculated for<BR>2Pr^4++O_z^2-=2Pr^3++V_z+\frac12O_2<BR>It was found that ln<I>K</I> changes with δ in the relation;<BR>lnK=A+Bδ+Cδ^2<BR>The parabolic dependence of ln<I>K</I> on δ is interpreted in terms of the changes in the energy of the defect formation and in the interaction energy between defects with the volume.
- 公益社団法人 日本化学会の論文
Yamauchi Shigeru
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Fueki Kazuo
Department Of Industrial Chemisrty Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Endo Kazuhiro
Department Of General Surgery Jichi Medical University
Mukaibo Takashi
Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Engineering The University of Tokyo
Yamauchi Shigeru
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Yamauchi Shigeru
Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
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