細胞膜N蛋白の測定 : cyc<SUP>-</SUP>細胞膜再構成法およびADPリボシル化法の比較検討
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The relationship between the assay values of the activities of the stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory component (N-protein) of adenylate cyclase by two different methods : reconstitution of plasma membranes of cyc<SUP>-</SUP> S49 cells and ADP ribosylation catalyzed by cholera toxin, have not been fully elucidated yet.<BR>In the present study, the reconstitution and ADP ribosylation assay methods were utilized, and the relationship between the assay values of the N-protein activities of the erythrocyte membranes from normal subjects and patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type I (PHP-I) measured by the two methods was investigated.<BR>1. When Lubrol extracts of human erythrocyte membranes were reconstituted with cyc<SUP>-</SUP> membranes, the rate of cyclic AMP synthesis reached a constant rate after incubation of 80 minutes at 30°C. This reaction depended on the concentrations of cyc<SUP>-</SUP> membranes and Lubrol extracts of the erythrocyte membranes.<BR>2. N-protein activity in the erythrocyte membranes of normal subjects and PHP-I patients assayed by reconstitution of cyc<SUP>-</SUP> membranes (mean ± SD, expressed by % of pooled standard preparation) was 100.1 ± 13.5 (n=29) and 82.3 ± 28.0 (n=19) respectively.<BR>3. The cholera toxin-catalyzed transfer of [<SUP>32</SUP>P] ADP ribose from [<SUP>32</SUP>P] NAD to the 42,000-dalton peptide subunit of human erythrocyte N-protein reached a plateau after incubation of 10 minutes at 30°C. This reaction depended on the concentrations of cholera toxin, NAD, and the erythrocyte membranes.<BR>4. N-protein activity in the erythrocyte membranes from normal subjects and PHP-I patients assayed by cholera toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation (pmol/mg of protein) was 1.33 ± 0.20 (n=7) and 1.15 ± 0.43 (n=5) respectively.<BR>5. The correlation between assay values of erythrocyte N-protein activity in PHP-I patients by reconstitution of cyc<SUP>-</SUP> membranes (X, % of pooled standard) and cholera toxincatalyzed ADP ribosylation (Y, % of pooled standard) was recognized as a linear regression : Y=0.77X + 16.8 (r=0.981, P<0.001).<BR>It is thus concluded that the activity of N-protein in human erythrocyte membrane can be assayed by the ADP ribosylation method more simply than by the method of reconstitution of cyc<SUP>-</SUP>membranes, with highly close correlation between the values determined by these two methods.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
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