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The responses of plasma growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and growth hormone (GH) to oral administration of L-dopa were studied in normal subjects and patients with various endocrine and metabolic diseases to clarify the pathophysiological role of the GHRH-GH axis.<BR>In normal subjects, the plasma GHRH concentration was increased from the basal value of 9.8±1.4pg/ml (mean±SE) to 34.8±3.1pg/ml at 30-90 min after oral administration of 500mg L-dopa, followed by a rise of GH release (plasma GH level from <1ng/ml to 21.7±4.7ng/ml) in most cases, indicating that L-dopa stimulates GH secretion via hypo-thalamic GHRH.<BR>On L-dopa administration, no apparent increases in both plasma GHRH and GH concentrations were observed in patients with hypothalamic hypopituitarism, whereas GHRH administration induced almost normal GH response.<BR>In patients with acromegaly, the plasma levels of GHRH remained stationary after the L-dopa administration and did not correlate with plasma GH levels.<BR>In subjects with simple obesity, the responses of plasma GHRH (peak 13.2±1.2pg/ml) and GH (peak 4.3±1.7ng/ml) to L-dopa were significantly lower than those in normal subjects (p<0.01).<BR>In patients with primary hypothyroidism, peak levels of plasma GHRH (12.6±1.3pg/ ml) and GH (2.4±0.6ng/ml) were significantly lower than those in normal subjects (p<0.01).<BR>In patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), the responses of GHRH and GH were divided into 2 groups; in the responder the peak values of GHRH and GH were 19.4±8.6pg/m and 12.2±1.4ng/ml and in the low or non responder 14.7±1.5pg/ml and 2.0±0.6ng/ml, respectively. Between both groups, there was a significant difference in the values of fasting blood sugar and HbA<SUB>1</SUB> and mean suffering period.<BR>These findings suggest that GH secretion evoked by the L-dopa administration is induced by GHRH released from the hypothalamus, and impairment of GH secretion associated with simple obesity, primary hypothyroidism, or NIDDM may be in part attributed to insufficiency of GHRH release from the hypothalamus, and indicate that L-dopa test is clinically useful for evaluating the ability of intrinsic GHRH release in such diseased states.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
斎藤 史郎
宮崎 修一
山崎 柳一
斎藤 晴比古
斎藤 晴比古
山崎 柳一
三橋 信次
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