23. クモ膜下出血時にみられるイオン環境の経時的変化:-特にクモ膜下血腫中のカリウムイオン濃度の変化について-
- 論文の詳細を見る
Electrolytes which are known to have vasomotor effects have not been well evaluated as to their possible role in the induction of vasospasm.<BR>Present study was undertaken to clarify some contributions of electrolytes, especially potassium ion which are liberated in the process of hemolysis of the blood clot.<BR>The basilar arteries of adult rats were used. Under pentobarbital anesthesia the basilar arteries were exposed by transclival approach under the operating microscope. Subarachnoid hemorrhage was induced by puncture on a small branch artery with a: fine needle. In each of 10 minutes, two hours, and 24 hours after subarachnoid bleeding, the fresh arterial strips were removed and the specimens were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, cryosectioned at -120°C and freeze-dried at -85°C. Electron probe X-ray microanalysis of drycryosection was performed to determine the elemental compositions of extravasated erythrocyte and periarterial space. The K concentration was increased in the extracellular space to 8 times above the baseline in 24 hours after subarachnoid bleeding. The K concentration of extravasated erythrocyte was decreased in 24 hours.<BR>Time course of potassium ion liberation from extravasated erythrocytes was also reported. The hypertensive intracerebral hematomas were collected during surgery. By the flamephotometer, K concentrations of supernatants of the hematomas were measured chronologically. On the other hand, peak of potassium ion level in the intracerebral hematoma is reached around the third or the fourth post hemorrhagic day, and the level is gradually reduced to normal approximately in three weeks.<BR>Potassium has been known to have potent vasomotor effects but the importance of this ion has not been well appreciated. It is obvious from our present study that ionic environment is of cardinal importance in development of vasospasm and especially potassium should be reevaluated in its possible role for cerebral vasospasm caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
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- Experimental studies on cerebral angiospasm. Particularly on the actions of ONO-3708, a TxA2 antagonist.
- タイトル無し
- 4. 前交通動脈瘤に対する接近法
- Effect of nicorandil on cerebral vasospasm.
- 75. 脳動脈瘤手術における新しい手術機器
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- 23. クモ膜下出血時にみられるイオン環境の経時的変化:-特にクモ膜下血腫中のカリウムイオン濃度の変化について-
- A pharmacological study on cerebrovascular function using a perfusion system. With emphasis on endothelium-excised samples.
- Pharmacological studies on vascular function. 1. Development of a new system for perfusion of constant flow rate.
- Experimental studies on the contraction of cerebral blood vessels. Especially intracisternal administration of nicorandil in model dogs with contraction.
- タイトル無し
- Pharmacological studies on function of blood vessels. 2. Difference in reactivity between intravascular and extravascular drug administration.
- Experimental studies on cerebrovascular spasm.Pharmacological actions of ebselen in rabbit basilar arteries.
- 脳死患者の主治医からみた"脳死と臓器移植"(人生と学問)
- 現代医療の光と影(現代の医療を問う)
- Pharmacological study of brain blood vessel using perfusion system.(5).Difference of reaction of Ca2+ antagonist by administration at internal and external brain blood vessel.
- タイトル無し