Tc-RBCs vascular imaging による Moyamoya 病の follow up study:-特に血液量の変化について-
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An 11-year-old boy of moyamoya disease was treated the STA-MCA anastomosis for preventing TIA's of the right hemiparesis and aphasia. This case was follow-up studied pre- and post-operatively using with the vascular imaging with <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc labelled red blood cells (Tc-RBCs).<BR>The abnormal high radioactivity at the cranial base representing the moyamoya vessels seen in the pre-operative Tc-RBCs angiography (Fig. 1) was significantly decreased in the post-operative photos (Fig. 2). The radioactivity at the left cerebral hemisphere seen in the pre-operative static photos was markedly decreased after operation (Fig. 3). The cranial blood volume index (CBVI) was obtained as the cerebral blood volume. The static image processed in the magnetic disc, is displayed on CRT and the regions of interest (ROIs) are setted at the cerebral hemisphere. The radioactivity of ROI was studied using with a minicomputer. The activity of 1 ml of peripheral venous blood was counted by the same method. CBVI was calculated, by the equation:<BR>The CBVI of the operated side was decreased, 9.5 to 6.8, less than the non-operated side, 8.7 to 7.9, after the operation. The radioactivity at the anastomosed hemisphere was decreased because that the vascular bed of the moyamoya vessels and medullary vessels was made less after the operation.<BR>These findings suggest that the STA-MCA anastomosis may be useful for prevention of TIAs and bleeding from the moyamoya vessels.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
元木 基嗣
馬場 義美
香川県立中央病院 脳神経外科
吉岡 純二
三宅 幾男
土井 章弘
香川県立中央病院 脳神経外科
武本 本久
香川県立中央病院 脳神経外科
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