Tc-99m-RBCs vascular imageの脳血管障害例に対する応用:-浅側頭動脈-中大脳動脈皮質枝吻合術術前術後の検討-
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Radioisotope angiography following intravenous injection bolus of <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc labelled red blood cells (Tc-RBCs) was performed pre- and post-operatively in seven patients of the superficial temporal artery-cortical branch of middle cerebral artery anastomosis (STA-MCA anastomosis). After setting the regions of interest in equal area over the left and right cerebral hemisphere on the sequential analog images, the radioisotope time-activity curve of each region of interest was obtained. The first derivative curve of its curve was calculated through Shimazu Scintipac 230, the interval between the first positive peak and the first minimum negative peak constitutes the mode of transit time. The mode of transit time of the operated hemisphere was decreased post-operatively less than pre-operatively in five patients that anastomosis was patent. On the other hand, the mode of transit time of the operated hemisphere was unchanged or increased post-operatively in two cases that anastomosis was not patent.<BR>The vascular imaging with Tc-99m labelled red blood cells is qualitatively and quantitatively valuable for the detection of the patency of the STA-MCA anastomosis.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
元木 基嗣
馬場 義美
香川県立中央病院 脳神経外科
土井 章弘
香川県立中央病院 脳神経外科
武本 本久
香川県立中央病院 脳神経外科
吉野 公博
香川県立中央病院 脳神経外科
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