- 論文の詳細を見る
There has been much controversy on the surgical indication for mild or moderate cases of the lateral type of intracerebral hematoma, because the mortality of those cases are not too high even if treated conservatively. However, since the purpose of this sort of operation is for the functional improvement, we need to compare the long-term morbidity of both groups, the group of the conservative treatment and of the operative treatment. As the control group of the conservative treatment we quoted Kutsuzawa's data in which accurate topographic diagnosis of the hematoma has been done and the functional recovery has been analyzed in details after long-term observation.<BR>For the past 5 years, we operated 105 cases of the lateral type of intracerebral hematoma, in which 55 cases were operated within 7 hours after the apoplectic attack. In these cases of the early operation, there were 37 cases of the mild or moderate group of hematoma which were also followed up for more than a year. Those 37 cases were selected for comparison with Kutsuzawa's cases of the conservative treatment which was also 37 cases incidentally.<BR>The grades of the functional recovery were classified in 4 ADL grades in which ADL-1 means the group recovered to full activity, ADL-2 is the group with minimal disability for daily life, ADL-3 is the one with moderate disability or require help in daily life and ADL-4 is the one of severe disability or almost restricted in bed all day long.<BR>In our operated series, 21 cases recovered to the level of ADL-1, while 7 cases returned to ADL-1 in the conservative group. 6 cases belonged in ADL-4 of poor prognosis in the conservative group but none did from the operative group. 8 cases died in the conservative group and 3 cases in the operative group. There were 9 cases of the excellent recovery in 21 cases of ADL-1 in the operative group and they returned to the previous ocupation or to the out-door labor. Another characteristic seen in the operative group was rare occurence of complications such as G. I. bleeding, respiratory infection, decubitus and urinary infection.<BR>As a conclusion, though the number of the cases are not too sufficient for comparison, it can be said that there is the reasonable indication of surgery for the mild or moderate group of the lateral type of intracerebral hematoma.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
- 討議
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