- 論文の詳細を見る
Effect of anions on gel forming ability of κ-carrageenan was studied by dynamic viscoelastic measurement and differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that elastic modulus as a function of salt concentration increased up to a certain salt concentration and then decreased with increasing salt concentration. The maximum value of elastic moduli was found to depend on the balance of the ionic radii of cation and anion of the salt. Temperature dependence of elastic modulus of κ-carrageenan gels containing iode ions showed the anomalous behaviour. Both the endothermic enthalpy and the elastic modulus showed a similar dependence on the salt concentration. The endothermic peak of melting of frozen bound water was found in addition to that of frozen free water for κ-carrageenan gels containing alkali metal salts. The gels containing iode ions showed a different behaviour from those which contain chloride or bromide ions in this case too. (J. Jpn. Soc. Biorheol., 2(1), 51~60, 1988).
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