- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of present study is to demonstrate the structure of patients' coping before and after abdominal surgery including digestive system disease. The research subjects consist of 103 people (66 males and 37 females) among 113 patients who underwent surgeries at a hospital in Tokyo. The average age was 59.6 years (±12.7), The period of data collection was between July 1, 2003 and May 31, 2004. The investigators handed the survey sheets to the subjects at the time of hospital admission the survey sheets were and the subjects filled them out 2-3 days before and after the surgery; directly collected by the investigators. Fifty-eight coping strategy items for pre-surgery and post-surgery were analyzed. Overall use of coping was more frequent with more variety in the pre-surgery period than in the post-surgery period (<I>p</I>=.038) . The 58 coping items were classified into the 16 areas. As a result of multidimensional scaling mapping in reference to the cluster analysis (Ward method) based on similarities among the 16 areas of coping before and after surgery and their structure, the items were successfully categorized into four strategies: help-seeking behavior, positive preparation and behavior, relaxation of tension, and avoidance. Help-seeking behavior and positive preparation- behavior were called problem-focused coping, and relaxation of tension and avoidance were named as emotion-focused coping in relation to the coping theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) . Among the four strategies, positive preparation- behavior strategies were used mostly in the pre-operation period based on the psychological stress from anxiety toward the forthcoming surgery. Relaxation of tension strategy was utilized significantly more in the post-operational period (<I>p</I><.001) . We suggest relaxation of tension and avoidance strategies can contribute to pain relief. The malignancy group used more coping strategies of “affective avoidance” (<I>p</I>=.002), and “growth expectation” (<I>p</I>=.002) in the preoperational period, and more “future planning” (<I>p</I>=.03) in the posttest period than the non-malignancy group. The results suggest the importance of the nurses' role in helping patients use appropriate coping strategies based on their needs before and after surgery.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
堤 千鶴子
宮坂 真紗規
城丸 瑞恵
伊藤 武彦
下田 美保子
仲松 知子
久保田 まり
堤 千鶴子
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