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Low molecular weight dextran has been reported to improve peripheral circulation, to reverse intravascular erythrocyte aggregation, to reduce blood viscosity and to enhance deformability of erythrocytes.Disturbances of peripheral circulation are considered to be one of the etiological factors in both sudden deafness and Meniere's disease. 10% low molecular dextran in 250ml lactated Ringer's solution was drip-infused in combination with administration of steroid hormones, ATP and vitamins to 8 patients with sudden deafness and 2 with Meniere's disease.The clinical course was followed by periodical audiometric examination and equilibrium tests. Hematological examinations were routinely performed.The medication was found to be markedly effective in 4 of 8 patients with sudden deafness, and only slightly effective in 1. The symptoms of Meniere's disease were markedly relieved in both patients.In summary, the use of low molecular weight dextran in lactated Ringer's solution together with steroid hormones, ATP and vitamins proved to be therapeutic and was without serious side effects for treatment of patients with sudden deafness and Meniere's disease.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
宇野 功
中島 徹
武田 一雄
安藤 千里
津村 滋
櫟原 茂之
武田 一雄
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